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Everything posted by Sandstone

  1. Comon ghostie don't be prude, after all you have a nice phallus i'm sure.
  2. Trace his weiner
  3. That's dedication.
  4. That's a hot clip.
  5. It was similiar to this, though this is obviously not her and it's a dude. He also doesn't have the other fetish stuff just inflating himself in a suit. But this is what she was doing and other stuff.
  6. I don't remember, I'm not sure I can find it again cause I don't remember the name. I don't think it was asmr though, cause she had other fringe fetishes on there like pie fetishes and stuff.
  7. He's so happy and wiggly.
  8. I remember hearing something about that years ago, but I forget what it was.
  9. I tend to get it during mania and hypomania. But usually it's under control with meds. Like I said I think the weightloss has affected my medication levels.
  10. Well I wouldn't want to make a fella's dick feel small, ugly, or unwanted. Unless... he was into that sort of thing.
  11. WAIT, that has to be edited right?
  12. The difference is I get to whisper sweet nothings in your ear. ;D
  13. I saw this weird girl on youtube yesterday that did like fetish videos for people (I'm assuming commissioned for her viewers). And one of them was balloons and inflatable clothes (pumping up a latex suite with a bike pump), I thought of you.
  14. Darling have you met me? I'm always a bit of a bitch. I do get cranky at times like this though.
  15. I'll be honest it needs work, but I gave you a participation trophy. Mostly cause I've never seen a dick I didn't like.
  16. Is it because they have the japanese word for balloon in their name?
  17. Yes that won't help, but thanks for the sage commercial wisdom.
  18. I think you probably shouldn't pay kids to fight each other, seems like bad things could happen from that. Were you a correctional officer?
  19. @Mix my boy when are you going to come back to Discord for a chat?
  20. Just to clarify, some of my favorite penises are black penises. I can honestly see why there were so many African phallus deities, they are quite majestic.
  21. Yes! I've seen that too actually. I'd say it's much more common than the other way around. Though black dicks tend to be much brighter (on the ends at least) when they are uncut.
  22. Maybe, I dunno I feel guilty too because I need to be making more progress on this, but right now it's hard to think clearly so I'm just stuck here for the moment waiting.
  23. This is a mild one, the first time I had to be hospitalized I was awake for 8 days straight. It could be much worse. Right now I'm just very exhausted. And it's not just a matter of willing it, I sometimes physically can not.
  24. To be fair, I have seen some black boys with dicks that were much lighter skinned than the rest of their bodies, never one that is fully white though. That'd be a sight to behold.
  25. I feel like I might pass out soon. I can usually feel the beginning of the crash when it actually happens. It's a very odd sensation.
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