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Everything posted by ThisIdiot

  1. just like with my last laptop ...tried to watch a movie online ....get fucked over by malware and viruses ...oh curse ye, CURSE YE! THOU ART CRUEL AND TEMPTING TO THE HEART!! ...least this time I think I was able to save the laptop..
  2. ...I wanna say it's the Kool Aid Man's aborted younger whale brother ...but then i'm not sure how far that family tree branches out ...he's already mostly liquid...
  3. does that count? ..I've done that...and castlevania 2.... ..actually WHAT can we count as an actual accomplishment for this?
  4. my family eats so much grease .... I really need to just take a potato peeler to my face and go to town...but then I guess i'd have to take care of the rest too....
  5. you know she deals on the side...it's why the teachers never bother with her
  6. I catch glimpses of this show once in awhile but never in it's entirety ...thinking of sitting down to watch this after i'm done catching up with AoT season 2 and monster musume ...where exactly can I find the first season? I can only see the movie on the xbox marketplace..
  7. incredibly so ...I got molar to play it for like ...2 days...then he returned it because he was done with it ...like what the hell i'd have bought him the dlc if he'd just waited...
  8. Dying Light came out in 2015 ...The Following DLC added a lot to the game and the devs are still rolling with it...for the next 12 months or so they are popping out 10 free dlc packs along with all the community challenges that will surely follow along ...can't wait to get back out on that damn dune-buggy
  9. working nights at a retail job stocking shelves ...the pay's alright but I can't manage my funds for shit and until I actually find a moment to sit down and look at what the hell i'm doing i'm pretty much stuck with what I have...
  10. goddammit ...go find a balloon somewhere!
  11. AHEM......Team IB sends their regards ...The Big T wins just alittle music for you guys who lost...enjoy.
  12. honestly I put it on repeat
  13. I say unto you good sir ...Western is coming
  14. I think this actually sounds pretty good ...and i'm not usually a fan of nightcore
  15. I try...believe me I try....but i'm only one idiot
  16. i'm not the one that mounted the tv to the wall ...in fact I was never really involved with a lot of these decisions ...but then when it comes to my money it feels like I have almost no control over what it gets used on by other people ...but boy do they freak out when I spend it on myself ...
  17. my theater system finally bit the dust...literally won't play a single fucking sound from any speaker...and i'm not fiddling with the goddamn hdmi port in the back of the tv because I can't reach, nor am I willing to pull the tv off the wall to do it ....I need to see about investing into an actual splitter or a switchbox tomorrow...anyone know of a reliable hdmi splitter?? maybe something I can find at Walmart?
  18. you know you guys could join me for my eventual trip to the north for a couple days....at least until I disappear into the woods on my own...but NNOOOOOOO...your afraid the tomahawk wielding idiot is gonna do something stupid...
  19. I was gonna say it's because it's your crying loudly in the bathroom while calling their name out....and I hope your not fondling yourself while you do...
  20. you make it sound like it's a bad thing
  21. I didn't say that ...I said it was boring...hipster meme youths ...and an ending that's either column A or column B ..choices inbetween don't really seem to affect much of anything ..no emotional weight if someone dies or something horrible happens ...if someone dies in TellTale's The Walking Dead season 3 i'm gonna feel that ...I didn't feel shit for these kids..
  22. ..its boring from what ive seen....hipster meme youths.... -_'
  24. wait...it gets better >
  25. I mean holy shit ...this feels like he was a stand-in for the one guy in Jaws....or maybe he was trying to pitch Big Lebowski as a horror.... seriously what the hell ....I feel like he should be reciting scripture in a church basement ...."THE PROPHECY HAS BEEN FORETOLD!"
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