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Everything posted by ThisIdiot

  1. pretty sure it was mentioned in The Mist because king wanted it to have some background plot ...good on him for working with what he has going for him, but going by what is seen in the movies and made for tv series ? the movie ending sucked ass compared to the original which was at least open ended for the sake of possibility. from what i'm hearing about the tv series pilot for 'The Mist' it's not very good either...essentially Silent Hill with far less monsters..
  2. Christopher Robin would disagree http://www.kappit.com/img/pics/201508_2055_bdffb_sm.jpg
  3. where did you come across this info? I can't find anything on it and it's never been said where the mist in 'The Mist" actually comes from...only assumed it was released from another dimension.
  4. I actually managed to catch most of the episode last night so ....WHAT THE FUCK ?!
  5. yeah but you look good doin it
  6. just spent the last 30 minutes on google for this ...not a single choice for favorite...
  7. WITH MY LAST BREATH...I CURSE NARAKU4656!!! then I proceed to scratch my ass and then belch....if i'm not dropped by then I'll pull a gun and cap myself
  8. it's ok when it's warm
  9. I wish this were a tall tale ...but god help me this was all true...also mencia wouldn't pay me..he'd take it all for himself the selfish prick
  10. hhmm....tough call....i'm not a real fan of both but i'd swing with miracle whip if push came to shove...
  11. around 2 am I had this ...VERY LARGE older black lady with orange dyed corn rows on her head putter up to me in one of the store scooters to ask where the bathroom was. I pointed to the direction and she directly replies with " I hope i'm not too late to make it! " alittle while later I was called up to the front to help said customer to her car. As she was with her food stamps and paper money, she coughed repeatedly into the same hand holding her payment method and by this point i'm fairly certain she never washed those hands either. Out to her car with her $150+ in groceries she asks me to load it all up into the back of her suv and as she's getting up out of the scooter I get a better look at her then i'd have ever wanted to, I still need to bleach my eyes out after this...oh god the veiny flab...she gets up and walks to her driver side door like there's NOTHING WRONG WITH HER. at this point I look around and noticed she's parked in a handicap spot WITH NO VISIBLE PERMIT!! ::: CHRIST, LADY...YOU ARE THE LITERAL DEFINITION OF BEING A FUCKING LAZY ASS!!! I had to push that scooter back into the store by hand...the battery was completely dead...
  12. work....then sleep...mainly
  13. ..you should lay on top of him...then tell him you have bad gas ...see how quick he jumps
  14. but for how long....when will the next crash happen?? WHEN WILL THE BOARDS GO TITS UP AGAIN?! THE CRASH IS COMING!! THE CRASH IS COMING!!
  15. then why would you keep sticking it in there?
  16. ...no....was a joke ....all the 'i'm out' threads.... goddammit ...you gotta gun? I need to end this...
  17. YES A MOVIE ...lat time it was monster squad ...couldn't find the goddamn dvd of it back when I did try to watch which is why I tried to bootleg it....this time it was in the mouth of madness ..
  18. god I hope so ...this is getting retarded fighting to stay in
  19. what the hell is going on with this place? it keeps crashing on me lately ... and i'm not clicking that ...out of fear now ....i'll look up the url when I get a chance in a bit
  20. yeah I couldn't begin to tell you what kind of player it was...
  21. well the link itself seemed to be ok...it was when I tried to press the pause button ...suddenly popups
  22. huh ...well I did feel accomplished getting the good ending in castlevania 2...seriously that game was hard as fuck on the puzzles...
  23. i'd have no idea how it works even if I did invest into them
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