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Everything posted by ThisIdiot

  1. been awhile since I've seen big
  2. he was the dad from Home Alone ..died at 72
  3. I don't have to do anything right now...just trying to relax abit before work tonight...and my ankle keeps fucking up
  4. hatoful....is that the one about the birds or something? I tend to avoid youtube vids about dating sims unless it's retarded ...like dinosaurs or birds
  5. I saw the episode last night because I missed it the first time around...I swear the karate chop scene, I thought I dreamt that ...and then when he's being ridden by his wife I think my brain shut down
  6. I haven't had digiornos in forever but I get this culinary circle brand at work when it's on sale...their fuckin HUGE ...half of this rising crust pizza fills me for the entire day..
  7. Silent Hill 2 is best Silent Hill ever bar none Zelda 2 and castlevania 2 both took concentrated effort to get through for me and that makes them memorable Half Life 2 is damn good...and by extension Team Fortress 2 ...typically anything that builds or improves on an original story or idea is never bad
  8. http://orteil.dashnet.org/cookieclicker/
  9. ....also forgot time seems to slip away with shit like this ....2 hours what the hell...
  10. FINALLY SAW THE WHOLE THING....Vlassic Jesus it took forever ....that's one hell of an opening episode ..so much shown with so much more to tell
  11. we didn't have such things where I worked...it was all done by hand and with a bucket full of chemical water
  12. are you crazy? do you think a high school can afford that for a janitor?!
  13. but they all sucked
  14. *turns on radio* FEAR THE BATTLE CATTLE!!! ...*Turns radio off* ..looks like bed time to me
  15. i'd take the sterile white ...piss and shit covered floors and walls...toilets clogged with entire rolls of toilet paper...piss and shit smeared on the mirrors and walls....the floor was so wet I almost took a faceplant right into it...
  16. shit....rock bottom....my personal opinion is that it can always get lower....when I say "it could be worse" it honestly could ...by sheer luck I could be sitting outside on a park bench...next thing I know I could be getting mounted a large Kodiak bear....I mean really it can ALWAYS get worse...
  17. ...one time I was cleaning the high school toilets, they had a track event and didn't tell me...it was the end of my shift and they asked me how it was....when we went to check on it ....it...it just wasn't humanly possible...the smell....the MESS....
  18. GODDAMMIT!! I missed the premiere....caught the first 35 minutes then had to leave for work....and now i'm watching the last 4...FUCK I KEEP MISSING THE MIDDLE!!
  19. at work we started selling this Keebler brand of cereal..has the little elvish bastard on the cover and everything...no idea what it taste like ...favorite cereal would have to be cinnamon toast crunch
  20. ...eh...I've been leaving work early for the last week...following a holiday we usually slow down alittle...
  21. at least your guy's situation sound manageable ... I don't think you can ever be prepared for BANG! FREEZE MOTHERUCKER!!!
  22. ..yeah I've been there..
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