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Everything posted by ThisIdiot

  1. but this fits somewhat ok into the rant...
  2. ...this is missing something ....I GOT IT! you gotta add something to how it correlates to you being gay and how everything involved hates you for it!
  3. ...eh....that close up shot at the end there was kinda awful...but i'm not expecting anything beyond college art level for a teaser to the FUCKING TRAILER....this is for the game for godsake...get to the goddamn point..
  4. a redheaded moron just walked past my house singing loudly to himself ...he had poofy red hair...a pair of those huge sunglasses and a large set of red shoes...not clown shoes but damn close...his shirt was striped with various colors ...I swear to god he looked like he was trying to imitate a clown ...welp it's my bedtime ...guess this was a sign I need to go to sleep..
  5. I hate that shit ...my mother's bf stops to talk to me every chance he gets...i'll be on my way to the toilet and then when he walks out he'll stand there and talk to me for 5 or more minutes...all I can do is sit there and go " yeah...yeah....uhuh....yeah..." I don't want to be rude but I need to shit here!! come on man!! ...another is people that are more stupid then me....bleeding hearts that talk a lot but don't do shit...
  6. that sounds ridiculously complicated ...most of us are getting it for the box ...unless your like naraku and pretend to be part of the popular front on the pisser(ps4)
  7. mocha you can barely take care of yourself with all the shit that dribbles from your mouth on a daily basis...
  8. it can Darude Sandstorm....clearly it wins.
  9. I enjoy completely tearing ass up ....preferably with a large caliber minigun... ask the rest of Team IB ...they'll tell you I love those HMG's ....
  10. so was I...literally! I can actually sleep now....this requires a victory tune
  11. oh vlassic jesus ...everytime without fail...on the verge of falling asleep ...FUCK YOU WAKE UP IT'S TIME TO GO LOOK FOR THIS CAR 50 FUCKING MILES AWAY!!! not anymore...PEACEFUL RESTS ARE HERE AGAIN!!!
  12. if I did I would have went Batman years ago just to put him away...
  13. noop ...turned those off too...the only notices I get are about texts
  14. i'd say 90's to early 2000's ...these last few years have been....hectic...
  15. i'm not pestered by those damn amber alerts anymore!!
  16. ppfff ...I've seen that in everything from Star Wars to Marvel ...nothing new..
  17. so...the usual stuff? yeah nothing out of the ordinary here ...stereotypes and clichés being what they are after all
  18. YOU KNOW DAMN WHALE GENIS WOULD SAY OTHERWISE! He wouldn't never get near a vehicle with Binki behind the wheel after the incident with the flag! And YOU of all people say should I forget dear Larry ...I would never dare undo what bound us to that beautiful bastard and the beatings he took!
  20. that's something bungie has always peeve-d me with ....they always found a way to shoehorn the pvp into the halo games...those multiplayer ranked achievements...Christ alive I still don't know how I managed to make it through halo 3 and reach.. destiny they had to force it into quests ...the thorn bounty was a pain in the ass that I thankfully had help for...
  21. I hated the multiplayer ....a first for a bungie title..i gave every halo multi a chance and usually had fun with friends around ...I bought destiny for the pve with friends and immediately hated the goddamn pvp....sucked worse because the pve suffered ...and since there was no actual story... not gonna lie i'll give d2 a chance...but if it sucks ass i'm done with bungie....Rebellion pissed me off with how avp2010 was handled...gearbox pissed off the community at large with colonial marines...bungie...you fuck this up then that is it...
  22. wow...somebody pulled their head out of their ass for this....medieval fantasy feel...hero with iconic weapon...magic and sorcery hopefully abound....AND NOT LIVE ACTION! ...damn I may just have to get into Netflix...
  23. most of the time i'm just bored with myself....going through the same routine will do that to ya. I don't troll anyone here outside of good fun but when it's something like a youtube comment section? I try as hard as I can to take the piss out of people who whine and complain about stuff like peta and animal poachers because the comments are always ...ALWAYS a bunch of people with their heads up their own asses going "people should stop this! this is hurtful!" it's fun pointing and laughing at these fuckers because instead of doing something themselves they'll sit there and demand others do something for them. I don't outright tell them to kill themselves or anything but sometimes you come across that one special asshole and just want to to rip right into them (phrasing..boom...)
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