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Everything posted by ThisIdiot

  3. ThisIdiot


    One time this girl licked my hand ...true story
  4. Axle, face all these shelves in 7 aisles in 4 hours ...Axle your gonna have to come in on your day off ....Axle stop eating that pizza that's only 12 hours or so old .. MY GODDAMN DAY...MY GODDAMN TIME...MY GODDAMN PIZZA!!
  5. Oh so the public toilet is available now? sure hope the inebriants and homeless don't abuse the crap out of it...
  6. Prometheus is around 30 years before Alien ...57 years is Aliens and Alien 3 ...the comic series where things get fucking weird I believe is around 100 or so years after shit hits the fan and Hadley's is turned into a crater
  7. it's not so much about "secrets of the universe" as much as it's about consolidating power and money for them ...and that idea with Prometheus being an alternate timeline story? yeah no...I wish it was...but it's concurrent with the canon...according to Scott anyway...but noone's paying attention and like Colonial Marines ...people are going Ostrich when it comes up...
  8. oh for godsake ...Zeni there were at least 2 alien creatures in that whole film you need to label this shit better ...get your shit together... seriously get your shit together...
  9. there's a comic series that takes place YEARS after Hadley's Hope goes up in nuclear smoke ...it's fucking weird how these things turn out...
  10. The Deacon is NOT the xeno....for christ' sake zeni have some common fucking sense already...
  11. look i'm just using your grass as toilet paper...have to wipe my ass on something here..
  12. thankfully I came home to this nice piece of comedy turn on captions ..the English is funny enough.
  13. I love having a permanent union job ...I just hate that I don't get full-time...or personal days....THANKFULLY I get vacation time...
  14. Oh yeah? Well I watch The Green Mile and cry everytime!
  15. look all you other assholes get 2-3 weeks in a row off....all i'm asking for is a single week! 1 FUCKING WEEK! goddamn...I gotta be Christ himself just to work the idea into the heads of these people! ...where's me strawberry sniggles when I need to fill me belly...
  16. seriously it hasn't stopped raining since yesterday and it's only getting worse....the thunder and lightning has gotten pretty active and the house has shaken several times today ...I honestly thought my laptop got fried once... welp I got work tonight...good luck getting down road me.
  17. it sounds like something not even Ants-In-My-Eyes- Johnson would vouch for...
  18. for when you know you'll get fired you need to play something like this over the intercom
  19. Well Tim's a weirdo ...seriously he'll walk up to you and tell you that he just farted so hard it tickled his balls ...
  20. it was a very casual "Tim fucked up the load again" nobody pointed it out until 5 minutes later when the boss decided to yell at me about it
  21. I was on the store intercom and said a sentence that involved the word FUCK ...thankfully i'm not fired.
  22. PISSOFF!! pfft ....Judean People's Front .....
  23. ehh depends ...I could never float down the river safely ....although i'm keeping tabs on emulators for Star Wars Galaxies these days...
  24. no but I do get a lot of "How are you not dead yet?" from myself...
  25. oh come on...it's not that bad ...each day becomes a haze until you die
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