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Everything posted by ThisIdiot

  1. goddammit...
  2. this ...this can't be real...oh man...
  3. even suspension of disbelief says "that's stupid" ...but it could be argued they just skip days of traveling because who the hell would watch people on a boat or a horse for hours or even days? also GODDAMMIT! I HAVE YET TO SEE THE FIRST 16 MINUTES!
  4. that energizer bunny never really failed to entertain...I remember those commercials that would start off with something like " Not enough people drink orange juice" and then that damn rabbit would come on screen...always blew my mind... honestly not really..if I did that I would end up wasting more money then I could afford..
  5. not at all
  6. DON'T END THERE! COME ON!!! yeah the ballista was pretty much bullshit..
  7. ...holy shit that was awesome
  8. never did milk and cookies but my cousins and I did leave letters
  9. this hurts...I haven't had a chance to follow the sonic comics since...issue 52? goddamn that was years ago...I need to start picking up the older issues again..
  10. Apparently this was made in 2014...I woke up halfway through this shit-heel of an alien horror flick where a group of friends try to survive a night of alien abductions. I'm not gonna avoid spoilers If you haven't seen this because it clichéd to hell and back. At one point in this film these telepathic aliens actually bum-rush a guy in the woods. Seriously, what the hell. Where most alien films about abductions get to the abductions then end around there, this film went the extra mile and spent about 20 minutes on the ship itself, even showing the guy who was bum-rushed getting anal probed to death. The surviving couple are spared by the aliens because I can only assume 'true love conquers all' just to get gunned down by government soldiers in a cover-up. Even ending with a soldier waving his hands over 3-D screens and all set to Spirit in the Sky! all in all it wasn't the worst film I've seen, but The Thing is here to thankfully remind me of better alien horror films.
  11. the Mochi Way in all it's bitterness
  12. wouldn't believe it if I didn't hear it myself ...goddamn Tyrion you are a magical sunavabitch...
  13. except isn't this the last season? that'd be a terrible way to end it.
  14. and also we know the dargons aren't immortal..they're not Highlanders for fucksake they take a fuck ton of hits from what we've seen..."Oh we made this awesome giant poky stick thing that can cleave a dragon skull" ...kay...but is it heat-seeking?
  15. ehh most of mine are somewhat new...at least a couple years ...I did have a headwrap for several years I hand-made from a pillowcasing ...
  16. can't imagine the shitstorm Theon has going on in his head right now, and if he manages to find help or warn somebody? Vlassic Jesus he'll be lucky to be anything but a sobbing mess of quivering jelly.... also the giant crossbow ....really? it seems impressive but it'd still have to HIT them...they being flying full speed targets and all...
  17. therefore I leave you with duck
  18. do you have a slow ramp to walk down when you go in? also make sure you tell them "peace among worlds" for me
  19. you really are a stupid piece of shit aren't you? exclusive shit stays exclusive until the developer says it's available elsewhere.
  20. usually laugh at demotivational posters ...they're usually full of shit and funny or stuff like this
  22. nothing pisses me off more then a fuel gage that floats ...HOW MUCH DO I HAVE LEFT? GODDAMMIT!!!
  23. you really that dense to think you wouldn't have to spend extra cash for dlc?
  24. for a few minutes the entire store was absolute DARK...no lights but the smartphone screens and the couple of flashlights we had on hand ...sure hope they get those freezers back up and running >.> ....I've smelled spoiled meat before but not of that magnitude..
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