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Everything posted by ThisIdiot

  1. depends who's selling it ...I work at a Shop-n-Save
  2. oooh it's delish ..you'd like it they have all kinds
  3. fuck that noise...we're getting processed fake cheese! it's worse then government cheese!
  4. I think it's a store brand...it's called Culinary Circle ...
  5. it would really help if mine could get along with the rest of the house cats ...he's always cooped up in my room because he gets into fights with the others..
  6. I get 3 of these things for 9 or 10 bucks on a sale ...they save so much time...
  7. he's spoiled for attention...seriously I walk out of the room to use the toilet...."MMMRRROOOWWWW.....MMMRRRROOOOWWWW " he just doesn't shut up...
  8. ...I just buy what I can afford....OOOOH! they sell these rising crusts pizzas at work...my god...so filling...I never sit through half the fucking thing in one sitting so there's always more later....
  9. usually lots of sleep followed by video games ...work is stressful as hell lately and since this is my vacation week they gave me 2 Saturdays off as well ....I've decided to then stream a couple of horror/action games for a few days as well...provided the cat doesn't throw too much of a fit...
  10. it could be a tumor!
  11. look...just cause a guy has been around since the civil war and hasn't aged a day doesn't mean he's a vampire ....he's most likely a highlander...
  12. i'm not sure but i'm certain being a spirit in some form would follow simply for the sake of perception ...ghosts and hauntings are a thing after all ...what comes after? Is being an unbound spirit some form of penance? what would follow? angels and fluffy clouds and the chance to ask God or Gods the chance questions we struggle with when we are alive? will I be given a chance to do it all again in a life I just lived or will I be allowed to choose for myself where I go and what I do? ...maybe there is nothing....maybe there is something....as much as I think and talk about how i'd like to leave this Earth I never real grasp at the idea that we all have a limited time on this planet...I tend to look at things the way Rick does....
  13. really? laugh? this kind of shit scares the crap out of me ...I mean seriously ...giant creatures from the deep and unknown spaces of the earth showing up for all to see as a bloating corpse? it's only a matter of time before the living ones start showing up...
  14. ..not unusual...cept they don't know what it is...it sure as hell doesn't look like a squid or a whale ... http://www.msn.com/en-us/news/world/enormous-sea-creature-found-decomposing-on-indonesian-beach/ar-BBB3S0h?li=BBmkt5R&ocid=spartanntp ...yeah i'm moving further inland...fuck that noise...I've seen this movie and played this game ...first the black guy dies, then the great ones resurrect the fetus of a large dead half fish woman and the baby proceeds to then whip my ass into strands of sinew and muscle with a sharpened femur bone....
  15. I can't even believe the excuses people use to defend it ...sure Japan might be more open with it's themes and i'm not one to question another countries imagination and expression , but Vlassic Jesus...i'm just left here confused as fuck...
  16. astrological....AND zodiac? you mean Chinese zodiac? cause i'm pretty sure i'm a rabbit .. now if your wanting to get into Greco-Roman ...or Sumerian...or god help us, Mesopotamian .... my birthday is today ...i'm a Taurus
  17. I DUN WANNA!!! GODDAMMIT!! I just wanted to watch videos about baby hippos....NOW THIS!! :::
  18. I started off watching videos about baby animals at zoos...and now i'm up to chick hatcheries from the meat industry .....WTF?! GODDAMMIT YOUTUBE!!! I DIDN'T NEED TO SEE THIS BEFORE MY NAP!!
  19. retail clerk
  20. fuck no I've never taken one of these...then again i'm a card carrying union member that isn't even registered to vote....
  21. wait a minute....that's not molar! where's the fedora?
  22. my sister has 2 kids...a couple of years ago she came across a black widow and put it in a glass jar...and within arms reach where the kids could reach it ... yyyeeahhh i'm not the biggest fan of kids myself but a black widow within arms length of an 8 year old? Christ no..spiders are the worst option everytime....even I think it's insane to not KILL the little fuckers on sight...
  23. let's see...if my birthday is anything like last Christmas i'll probably get a hardees gift card...
  24. ThisIdiot


    no no ...I was workin at a school and cut my hand on a one of those fluorescent lights that was broken ...bleeding from my thumb and looking for a way into the nurses office for a bandage, this nice looking girl walks up and licks my hand ...shit you not it freaked me out ..Molar for some reason thinks it was hot..
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