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Everything posted by ThisIdiot

  1. hope things work out...if not then happy pills are a thing
  2. ThisIdiot


    oh yeah...I gotta get my paycheck later...PAYDAY! WOO!
  3. ThisIdiot

    Vidya Game Music

    sometimes you just gotta lay back and chill ...
  4. If you removed the stupid curse and black magic gimmick shit...it'd be a fantastic drama about some asshole dad who ruined his families life
  5. i'm always depressed ...the last few years I've always said that if I have nothing truly worth living for by the time i'm 30 I need to up and disappear somewhere far away ....problem is always seems to come back to money...
  6. for anyone with kids maybe ...even then we've always been told to be careful because of heaps of trash and other crap...even when fishing
  7. oh please nobody here does that willingly...
  8. closest for me is Kansas City, MO ....wanna go with? I'mma need a ride anyway so i'll pay for the tickets lol ....I just can't find the GODDAMN PRICE LISTINGS!!
  9. it didn't work for the star wars prequels it isn't working now
  10. your always "out"...never "in" ....this is NOT how your mother raised you
  11. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iJDMd99SJiw FUCK!!! I CAN'T FIND A PRICE!!! I WANT TO GO SO GODDAMN BADLY!!! :::
  12. be sure to crap yourself...it'll throw him for a loop while you make a break for it
  13. not really ...a few where i'm in a precarious situation that I can't get out of...that's usually where it ends with a stalling tactic
  14. Oh please...we adults get fat on ham and yams..and mashed potatoes...and casseroles of varies quantities ....
  15. Yeah pretty sure they tried this in the EU ...didn't end well there either from what I gather ...granted I have missed bits and pieces ...
  16. eh...if they wanted to follow a group of force-wielder's that weren't Jedi...they should have focused on those instead of the friggin Jedi ... that line with Luke saying the Jedi need to end? for all we know that's a hallucination...the ability to see a glimpse of a possible future is something a Force user can do you know ...
  17. does this mean you finally shit your pants like the rest of the world?
  19. ThisIdiot


  20. NA SON I'MMA LIVE FOREVER!! *chews on Monster Thickburger from Hardees* all these preservatives and grease fry goodness ...I'll be well oiled and will live to see the end of time itself fuckers!!
  21. ThisIdiot


    i knew a bruce wayne once ....he told me about how back in the 70's he had this incredibly long ponytail with braids that would touch the back of his feet....he was also all about the acid and marijuana ...as were most in the 70's i suspect...
  22. Also, can we get zeni banned from talking about Gorillaz? if he's allowed to stay long enough he might start talking about Noodle and i don't wanna put up with that...
  23. i'm not saying it isn't i'm just saying Stu wears his pants around his chest now...did you see Saturn Barz ? he's livin the old man lifestyle ....
  24. Stu is 45 friggin years old at this point...god knows how old Murdoc is...the drunken satanist...
  25. ...curly fries......would never go hungry and could sell them by the bucket-fulls....instant profit on 2 angles.
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