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Everything posted by ThisIdiot

  1. https://segmentnext.com/2017/04/08/konami-announces-another-castlevania-pachinko-game-lords-shadow-based/ ::: edit: for some reason i can't find either a gif of someone eating a gun barrel OR Phil Ken Sebben when he's crying in the bathroom because either of these choices are how i'm feeling about this....
  2. the only time growing up i EVER saw music videos on MTV...was Beavis and Butthead ...and that was just during the intermissions when they were channel surfing ....later on i discovered MTV2 and they played actual music videos, much to my dismay....my god what a time to be alive ....in middle school lol....
  3. ..I've been pretty melancholic lately ...might be old age finally settling in...
  4. i'm employed with a union...we're looking for an extra person or 2 and if you ask i think your starting pay can go up to around 9 or so an hour
  5. ThisIdiot


    I've gone through 1 a year for the last 3 or 4 years so far ...that's a better run then some controllers I've had...then again at my age and how my reflexes have gone to shit...
  6. oh relax ..it'll most likely be an uncontrollable even/accident ....for instance I got stuck outside the bathroom at the very moment my old man turned on the shower one morning...I had to sit there and my stomach was cramping so bad....it was an easy cleanup thankfully
  7. YOU WILL! I don't trust a single goddamn person unless they admit they've shit their pants at least once when they hit 20+
  8. pro tip: don't trust anyone that says they've never shit their pants at least once in their adult life
  9. I heard that ...I've only been home a couple hours and already i'm pissed.
  10. they updated the main menu...it looks busy...isn't easy to nagivate....and I have to press seven buttons to actually end a game instead of the 2 they had before .....oh and they removed the snap feature ... ...goddammit Microsoft...who let the corporate mascot into the testing area again... I can't access youtube or a media device for music while I play games? it has to be either/or now?! Christ help me I don't even know if I can stream from twitch! and fuck whatever this "Beam" service is...did your entire programming department get shit-faced when they had this idea?? EDIT: FUCK I HAD THIS TYPED OUT THEN I CUT IT OUT!!! what's to stop me from finding your main offices?? I can only take so much shit from the ass of a horse like this before I feel the need to steal a goddamn diesel truck, top it off with flammable fuel and materials, drive it at a break-neck pace through your front door ALL THE WHILE BLARING JOHN PARR'S FUCKING ST ELMO'S FIRE!!!
  11. that game is doodoo from voodoo, ya dig?
  12. I thought this was about that shitty narrative game..
  13. I know there are those who don't want me to die..."yet" ....they're too busy planning what I should do with my money from the job I work and asking for handouts for things....and like any good moron i'm enabling them ..I call them family but it doesn't really feel like it...more like independent wardens that check on me too goddamn many times...
  14. be like me and hope you die by 30? honestly it's whatever your comfortable with...i'm not much for people these days...
  15. goddamn....that's expensive...hope it works out.
  16. you old son of a bitch...WHERE THE HELL HAVE YOU BEEN?
  17. you WISH she was a genderbend
  18. I've been there too many times....it's never easy.....also I cry more over pets then I do people...not really surprised...
  19. ..storming it's ass off out there...thunder and lightning since last night ....no working water fixtures of any kind in this house......need a joint and some Filter to get this rollin...
  20. do you accept nudes of cats?
  21. ....... .....was that it?
  22. it was removed and we switched to the city sewage...
  23. 2 years ago the septic tank ruptured ...yesterday we had city workers on our street messing around with the pipes down the road....pretty sure I had nothing to do with this.
  24. hopefully that one special corner in hell...and when you get there yourself you'll find not even Satan wants to deal with your shit , as you'll never be allowed to leave said corner.
  25. ....gotta hold it....oh god... :::
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