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Everything posted by ThisIdiot

  1. I've never actually had sex...don't really care for trying.
  2. sometime today the cops are gonna swing by and remove my neighbor from his house....it's gonna be a total shit-show because he's a basket case....can't wait.
  3. last Friday while sitting in the drive thru...it took 20 minutes for the car in front of me to get it's order...it was only one bag of food and the back of the car had a sticker indicating the person inside is on some kind of health kick....I wanted to rear-end them so bad ...when I got up to the window it took less then 5 minutes.
  5. I can go as high as small amounts of scalding ...but I've seen people go up to "Dr. Dickbag's Fucking Rape Me Sauce" ...scary stuff the things people mix together for spice...
  6. ...yeah I kinda believe this ... based on personal reasons...
  7. clearly the polite thing to do is to reciprocate...
  8. hell no I subsist off of those $1 meals in the frozen section at work
  9. enough sleep? no not with the way I run around ...but then maybe i'm also over-tired ...too much sleep ...some days just go by quicker then others.
  10. my mind is always running so I don't really dream as far as I know ...but I still remember the last nightmares I had several years ago
  11. ThisIdiot


    most of us play it on xbone
  12. ThisIdiot

    Vidya Game Music

    while playing Minecraft I've taken to listening to the ENTIRE ost for Super Castlevania
  13. I expected to become " why do they always run? i'm just gonna catch them " kind of thing...
  14. if you didn't care you wouldn't be replying . it's sad really ...Ubisoft's creative team is more diverse and open minded then people looking to cash in on nostalgia..
  15. spoken like a true sheep ...you speak about diversity but one guy is booted from that team for speaking his mind ....great job.
  16. let's see ....I was told last night that they tried to call me into work Thursday night because someone called off ...I buy a donut for breakfast then the second I get outside it slips from my hand...I buy a side dish of macaroni and decided to heat that up when I get home and when I get around to trying to eat it it's all goopy and NOT like macaroni ...one bite and I couldn't stomach it... yeah that's my day so far ....hell most of my week has been shit with the small stuff..
  17. I make 9.50 an hour ...but I've had this job for 3 years now and started around 7.25 ...
  18. from what i'm told the sequel is actually better ...have yet to see it myself but i'm a moron who has soft spot for the weird directory shit as long as it maintains it's self from spilling over into everything else around it. ...that said, I don't think nudity hurts none much either as long as it's kept to a minimum but vhs had that shit in damn near every short...I was surprised that the teens in the woods didn't get it on before getting axed...
  19. ThisIdiot


    either your pullin my leg or this shit week is finally starting to deliver some good tidings .....maybe this weekend i'll get Saturday off work and i'll be able to jam to some new Gorillaz ...
  20. ThisIdiot


    wait really??
  22. a minute? jeez ...such a pain...what a terrible tragedy ...it's not like when we post flooded on the old boards and had to wait a FUCKING HOUR ....honestly you guys are spoiled ...get over it.
  23. I dunno ...the creators seem a very close-minded group...
  24. a time "constraint" ? you mean a "time out"? i'm pretty sure the old boards had those when you post-flooded
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