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Everything posted by ThisIdiot

  1. in all seriousness the "competitive grind" is retarded and if you have to play game for anything less then fun then what the hell are you doing with your life that you need to compound it with more stress ....of course this is all just opinion so go nuts if it makes you happy.
  2. I hate eli roth as a horror director ...cabin fever 2002 sucked ...he then decided to remake it in 2016
  3. calm down there head cheese your getting yourself everywhere ...and stop assuming things about people playing competitive, not everyone likes that crap.
  4. but I don't always get that ...it's a pain in the ass when I work nights
  5. I miss being able to sleep decently ...now i'm lucky to get 4 or 5 hours straight ...
  6. you need aim assist ....that's pathetic..
  7. ThisIdiot


    all these squares make a circle
  8. there's a control in the top corner that let's you spin around to see stuff 2-D is around early to mid 40's by this point ...Noodle is 25 or so and Murdoc and Russel are ....Christ, I have no idea lol.
  9. easy sparky...we're all man-children here...now let's just put the salt away and go back to mining, eh?
  10. yeah I know texas is fucked but i'm a Missourian ...
  11. i'm not good at growing things ...I AM however great at taking both physical and mental beatings ....I hate existing
  12. even as a last request? well what the fuck...
  13. that's impossible I've never not had bad karma ...i'd say it's run of the mill honestly
  14. I keep telling people that when I croak I want to be dumped in dumpster and set on fire to save money ....but they keep coming back with "it's illegal" and " city ordnance" crap ...
  15. I know quite a few of those people ...and i'm pretty sure i'm a downer ...lately me and another friend have been competing over who will die first
  16. this rain and cold and cold flu snot begs to differ..
  17. ThisIdiot


    hey nonny nonny?
  18. back home me and the old man stop by this diner called the White Rose Café ...been around since the late 50's and it has the atmosphere to show for it...the juke plays all those old classics ...always get a breakfast platter when we're there and we actually talk .... ....goddammit now I wanna go back home...
  19. zeni your more of an extremely noxious mustard gas in liquid form that's been mixed with pure sulfur...
  20. oh hell the hardest bosses I've fought against I never death-grip the controller...I have however gotten pissy enough to chuck the damn thing through the window.
  21. my controllers don't normally start fucking up on me for about 6 to 11 months ...if it gets bad enough i'll go buy a replacement which amounts to only 1 a year so far...maybe try and not be so forceful with it? it is a pretty delicate piece to the whole machine after all...
  22. been meaning to try ...finally tried youtube and it works well enough ...not sure how well it can handle something like newgrounds
  23. less then I hope for...I think I've gotten maybe 3 today....
  24. ThisIdiot


    did you know whole episodes are on youtube for free?
  25. the idea that you actually MEET anyone...good god...
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