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Sir Teddybar Gut Fullung

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Everything posted by Sir Teddybar Gut Fullung

  1. @little_girl_lost for being a neat person. I just wish life went her way more often. She deserves some good karma.
  2. Well, to be fair, nobody of importance liked westpark anyway. lol
  3. @crackymckrackin is the best UEMB Mod we never had. Also, he's a great dude.
  4. Oh, yeah. I had forgotten about that. That's horrible! I pray she survived the ordeal.
  5. I guess so. I always thought her internet finally went kaput on her. She was fun to post with.
  6. I always thought Tecmo Bowl was fun. Also, RBI Baseball was a blast as well.
  7. Chicken Express is my jam, yo!
  8. Who cares? I'm enjoying myself.
  9. @ITasteLikeSex is hilarious. I mean look at his name! I laugh every single time I see it!
  10. Happy Birthday, dude!
  11. @GaiusIuliusCaesar really knows how to throw a toga party! Thank you for being our truant resident Roman enthusiast.
  12. Still Thursday for me, homes.
  13. That's the Trojan spirit!
  14. She was great in bed. But because of my gastrointestinal activity between the sheets, the relationship didn't last very long. She couldn't stand my egg and meat farts.
  15. That's okay. i just farted, and I smell eggs...and meat. Almost knocked myself out, actually. XD One of my exes said my flatulence should be bottled and sold as some sort of chemical weapon. Yes, she said it was that bad.
  16. I remember that dipshit. I do pray he gets the psychiatric help he needs. That said, he shouldn't be allowed to post on this website. At all. Do you hear me, mods? DO! NOT! LET! HIM! JOIN!
  17. It's on the surface of the Sun. Oh, I'm sorry. Make that it was on the surface of the Sun. You know, excruciatingly hot gases and such.
  18. @NaBernie2020, your unwavering support of Bernie Sanders is somewhat admirable. (Still, don't put all your eggs in one basket, homie.)
  19. Philly cheese steak sandwich from the local tavern down the street.
  20. @Vela for being just so darn awesome. Come back and post with us.
  21. Agreed. I'll most likely get to hear "Geaux Tigers! National Champs!" all the way to late August. There are several LSU fans here in the Houston area due to several Louisiana folk moving over here over the years. And yes, I mean long before Katrina. (Then again, I also have family in Louisiana that went to LSU so I can't complain.) The alternative is Clemson repeating and launching a dynasty that will rival Alabama's.
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