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Sir Teddybar Gut Fullung

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Everything posted by Sir Teddybar Gut Fullung

  1. I, too, am relaxing right now. Damn it. I want Crystal Pepsi now.
  2. I like turtles!
  3. Call the Wahmbulance. Nabs needs to charge his phone! My God, you just as bad as She Who Must Not Be Named.
  4. You are Derpy.
  5. Lol ghostrek wrote a fanfic where Godzilla was Kagome's dad. LULZ
  6. I liked InuYasha at first. Then, it just started going 'round in circles.
  7. I don't think I count. lol
  8. What song (or songs) did you sing?
  9. Please go drink some water? Or at least some Gatorade.
  10. I've never been to Georgia. I've been to Alabama and Florida, but not Georgia.
  11. And for good reason. In fact, I think most if not all of us can agree that she's an amazing person. If there's any (constructive) criticism I can give her, it would be this: Be more confident in yourself and in your abilities. You're truly awesome! (And anybody who says anything to the contrary is either jealous or not your friend.)
  12. I'm giving her a compliment, not coming on to her. Geez, people. There really is a difference.
  13. It's the truth. Besides, I'm not the only one who believes it. (And you're very sweet as well.)
  14. We need an officially designated sarcasm font.
  15. That would be rather tragic, considering I like some of his music.
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