Oh, it’s on TV, my friend. I bet [adult swim] airs it during its broadcast block at least three times every night.
I’ve also seen it on Comedy Central and AMC.
Understandable. It took me quite a long time to build up a tolerance to spicy food. Now, unless if the food is meant to be like ice cream, I need some heat (and spice) with my savory dishes.
To be fair, it’a better than when he basically said she looked dead the eyes. (He actually said she looked like she had dead eyes.)
Stuff like this makes me think of the show Resident Alien. The only problem is @ghostrek clearly ain’t a doctor.
It’s based on the comic book from Dark Horse Comics. The premise is this: An alien assumes the identity of a vacationing doctor in a small Colorado town, all so he can look for his crashed spaceship and a special device he is to use to complete his mission. Hilarity ensues in each episode.