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Sir Teddybar Gut Fullung

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Everything posted by Sir Teddybar Gut Fullung

  1. I wouldn't mind trying it. Still, peach cobbler is more my thing when it comes to cobblers.
  2. Meanwhile, I just eat my tacos like a normal Texan: with lots of hot sauce. #likeaboss Also, go to sleep, Lady Brandawin!
  3. Thanks! (I'll make sure I bring a deep fried turkey seasoned with Creole spices, garlic, and salt and pepper. YUUUUM-YUM!)
  4. Well, goodness me, I better start drinking again. Liver be damned!
  5. And me. (By the way, both sides of my family tree looooove pumpkin pie by itself, just like I do.) (Oh, and don't forget to make pecan pie. That's a southern, nay, a Texas Thanksgiving tradition.)
  6. But would it be worth it? Absolutely. (But that's just my humble opinion.)
  7. Cooking is good! I can cook a mean steak. Also, pan-fried pork chops are my specialty. I just use butter to help sear them...and make a special sauce for them. Yum!
  8. The time has come today. Young hearts can go their way.
  9. Cry me a fucking river. Y'all have been in every single College Football Championship game since the current system started. You're probably getting selected for the CFP yet again this year. Sit the fuck down.
  10. I am Bender. Please insert girder.
  11. What anime is that from?
  12. Okay. Well, I'm about to eat breakfast and make the 90-minute trip back home. Later.
  13. Actually, you might want to check your inbox. I think I sent you a drunk PM before I went to bed.
  14. In fairness, I was drunk. Speaking of, I think I sent you a PM last night while I was drunk. I hope it wasn't too bad. I normally don't drink. At all.
  15. Good because I'm hung over. (Yes, I actually had a glass of wine and it totally went straight to my head.)
  16. I don't want to make out with cats, silly.
  17. The period is in a different place, but the concept behind the name is the same. Come on, dude. Work with me here.
  18. Martial arts senseis are fucking weird. (Kenichi: the Mightiest Disciple.)
  19. Good idea. You should change yours to NaB.Man, as a play on D.GrayMan. (A pretty neat anime I watched years back.)
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