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Sir Teddybar Gut Fullung

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Everything posted by Sir Teddybar Gut Fullung

  1. The latest in the Garrett-Rudolph brawl from last Thursday night. Cliff notes: Soooooo...Myles Garrett's indefinite suspension was upheld. Also, Garrett accused Steelers quarterback Mason Rudolph of instigating everything by using a racial slur at the Browns defensive star. The Steelers say Rudolph denies saying anything racist. ------------------------------------- My opinion: First, let's address the elephant in the room. Guys -- no, people in general say things in the heat of the moment they regret after the fact all the time. That doesn't excuse anything though, especially in today's culture. So if Rudolph did say it, he was wrong. (He, through the Steelers' front office, has denied saying anything.) If he didn't say it, Garrett owes him an apology for trying to damage the young man's reputation. Second, Myles Garrett knows he did wrong. I mean ripping Rudolph's helmet off and clubbing him over the head with it is absolutely not okay. That could've resulted in a career-ending, maybe even a life-threatening injury. He's lucky he didn't severely injure Rudolph. Also, back to point number one, if Rudolph did in fact use a racial slur, I can see Garrett losing his head to some degree as a result. But nothing, and I mean NOTHING, excuses what he did. And for all we know, he might be trying to justify his actions by making an explosive accusation such as this. Then again, he also might be saying "I know what I did was inexcusable, but here's why I reacted the way I did." Almost like a case of Chris Rock saying "I'm not saying it's right, but I understand." So really, Myles Garrett's actions a week ago were wrong. That goes without saying. If he was provoked by a racial slur directed at him from Mason Rudolph, that makes Rudolph wrong as well. Neither action is okay. BOTH WOULD BE IN THE WRONG! @1pooh4u, @scoobdog, what are your thoughts?
  2. I remember her. She was pretty cool. Didn't post much though. Did she ever get invited to the UEMB?
  3. Exactly. Dad jokes are amazingly corny they're awesome.
  4. Wanna hear a cat joke? Just kitten.
  5. I'll take this one, actually. It refers to the first chorus of the song. "I saw werewolf with a Chinese menu in his hand Walking through the streets of SoHo in the rain He was looking for a place called Lee Ho Fook's Gonna get a big dish of beef chow mein"
  6. Because he knows what's up. (Also, I'm part Cherokee Indian so shut your face before calling me a pale face.)
  7. lol That sounds wrong on so many levels. XD Yeah, I'm getting tired as well. Shall we continue this another time? (I think so, yes.) Goodnight.
  8. Are you saying you're part Scottish? Neato!
  9. Now if i had $10 Trillion, I'd buy Scotland, give it back to the Scots, and tell the royal family to go screw themselves.
  10. It's not like I'd be a dictator or anything. I just want my own country. >_> <_<
  11. Because I like the book so far. You don't have to worry about anything happening to me.
  12. And then, I'd buy Costa Rica and retire there.
  13. Wait. Isn't distorted Hispanic?
  14. If I could, I would. (Seriously, I totally would if I had the money.) Actually, if I had a trillion dollars, I'd have my own tv network, movie studio, a football team, and maybe even a university named after me. (Oh, and I'd buy Cuba, then sell it to the United States for twice what I paid for it and have them make it part of Florida.)
  15. Fair enough. I just think political stuff should be in a different folder. 'Tis all. *shrugs* We cool, yo. Though to be fair, I don't see that much of a resemblance, really. Still...I don't know. You could be on to something.
  16. Supposedly, a technician is arriving between 8-10 am Central today. So I should be getting it before the evening. It stinks, though. I've had to take off for work again because of this crap. I mean I can use the fact I'm still sick to cover for myself, but still, I shouldn't have to.
  17. Yes, I am. Wish I had started reading it sooner. Oh, well.
  18. Tell me about it. I'm not very happy at all.
  19. Rants is -------->. Please take this there. KTHXBAI!
  20. Can't sleep. So I'm reading a book I bought a few years back but never had the chance to read.
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