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Sir Teddybar Gut Fullung

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Everything posted by Sir Teddybar Gut Fullung

  1. Yes, that's a good point. So please don't do it again. lol
  2. Nah. John Elway. XD Anyway, great win for the Texans last night. We did what we needed to do to win when it mattered most. That said, the booth should've called down to the refs and review the play where it looks like Deshaun Watson got stripped of the ball. (It was during the last two minutes of the game.). If nothing else, they can take a look and say they couldn't tell definitively who recovered it, so the Texans will retain the ball. To not even call down to the refs and trigger a review is baffling to me. The Colts may have gotten robbed of a chance to either tie and extend the game or win. We have instant replay for a reason: for plays like the one I described. What a bad decision.
  3. I can't do it. Have to have ranch. I mean I've tried with blue cheese. I just can't. I don't like blue cheese at all. (And I've tried to like blue cheese. I just couldn't do it.) Now don't get me wrong. I think it's great that people like eating Buffalo wings with blue cheese. That's how the dish was originally made. I just can't do it.
  4. No, ghosts are real. How else are you gon--Nope. Nevermind. Not doing it. Not going there.
  5. Yes, of course. I'm just trying to find a solution to the problem, is all. Maybe there is no solution. Well, at least not right now.
  6. *blows whistle; throws flag* Bushleague insult, NaBoomer. Fifteen yard penalty and loss of down. Third down!
  7. Thank you. I'm just gonna relax and sleep more. (Totally throwing off my sleep schedule. Woot.)
  8. That came off rather smart. I'm sorry. i didn't mean for it to. I just like making you smile. That's all.
  9. They're set to the last three (or four?) lines from the lyrics to the song "Raining Blood" by Slayer.
  11. Yes. That goes without saying. Tackling correctly is crutial to that. No headhunting.
  12. I got you to smile. That's great.
  13. Playing your heart out until you hear the whistle, then helping the other guy up. That's a start. As for the line between what is acceptable and what isn't, it's hard to define right now, but I do think the league is getting there.
  14. Yes, I should've addressed this in the other thread as well.
  15. Absolutely. We should be teaching kids that sportsmanship is the way to go. And while trash talk is part of the game, going after family members (that don't play the game), race, and sexual orientation shouldn't be. The league needs to clean that up, too.
  16. Yes. I agree. That was very dangerous.
  17. True, but if Mason Rudolph really did call Myles Garrett a derogatory race-based name, why did Garrett wait until now to say something? That's what I want to know. I think it's a fair question to ask, no?
  18. I agree with you on everything, but they're going after Garrett for using Rudolph's helmet as a weapon. Also, Jason Whitlock said the same thing you did regarding the racial slur accusation. Why wait a week to say something? Why not say something while talking to the press after the game? Therefore, I don't buy it. (But again, if it really did happen, Rudolph owes Garrett, the Cleveland Browns, the Pittsburgh Steelers, and the NFL an apology for letting everything get to this point.)
  19. The reason they're not being investigated is there's an understanding many teams would be investigated simultaneously. (That's what I heard anyway.) So the allegations remain allegations until further notice.
  20. Update: Myles Garrett's appeal denied. I said the following in the NFL thread, but it applies here, too. Cliff notes: Soooooo...Myles Garrett's indefinite suspension was upheld. Also, Garrett accused Steelers quarterback Mason Rudolph of instigating everything by using a racial slur at the Browns defensive star. The Steelers say Rudolph denies saying anything racist. ------------------------------------- My opinion: First, let's address the elephant in the room. Guys -- no, people in general say things in the heat of the moment they regret after the fact all the time. That doesn't excuse anything though, especially in today's culture. So if Rudolph did say it, he was wrong. (He, through the Steelers' front office, has denied saying anything.) If he didn't say it, Garrett owes him an apology for trying to damage the young man's reputation. Second, Myles Garrett knows he did wrong. I mean ripping Rudolph's helmet off and clubbing him over the head with it is absolutely not okay. That could've resulted in a career-ending, maybe even a life-threatening injury. He's lucky he didn't severely injure Rudolph. Also, back to point number one, if Rudolph did in fact use a racial slur, I can see Garrett losing his head to some degree as a result. But nothing, and I mean NOTHING, excuses what he did. And for all we know, he might be trying to justify his actions by making an explosive accusation such as this. Then again, he also might be saying "I know what I did was inexcusable, but here's why I reacted the way I did." Almost like a case of Chris Rock saying "I'm not saying it's right, but I understand." So really, Myles Garrett's actions a week ago were wrong. That goes without saying. If he was provoked by a racial slur directed at him from Mason Rudolph, that makes Rudolph wrong as well. Neither action is okay. BOTH WOULD BE IN THE WRONG!
  21. At this point, I'd say he's past his "prime".
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