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Everything posted by Hornshire

  1. Of course. If only it weren't for those rules. Then all the kids wouldn't think you're so lame. Gather ye crutches while ye may.
  2. People tend to be more motivated to make a review about a negative experience than state that things were just okay, nothing special. When there's a specific complaint repeated throughout, then it's clearly an issue. Everything else you just have to take with a grain of salt. When We've moved in the past, the most helpful thing is to actually go to the place and get a feel for it.
  3. Nine is the most We can say with any certainty. There may have been an occasion where it was higher, but We do not recall one. It should be noted however, that Our stance on corner pieces of cake has shifted dramatically since then, so Our Peeps capacity is likely well past its prime.
  4. You may be on to something... Like, We never really thought of finger traps as gloves. But really, it is the same basic principle.
  5. Maybe it's just Us, but We would much rather have a dress that fit like a dress.
  6. Meh. You play the hand you're dealt. Nobody can fault you for that. Find it obnoxious and irritable, sure. But not fault you for it.
  7. Yeah. We totally remember. Just like We totally give a flying fuck.
  8. The first part of solving a problem is admitting that you have one. Successful intervention.
  9. Great pleasure is a far cry from no reason.
  10. No. Being compared to others generally results in a loss of appetite.
  11. Despite being entirely unqualified to give advice on etiquette, We would say no. Texts are relatively unintrusive. If someone doesn't want to be bothered to read a text, they can wait until they feel like it. If you're hesitant though, a general guideline could be to ask how likely they are to act on the given information tonight. If it's not something they're going to deal with till the morning anyway, sending it earlier doesn't serve much purpose. Whereas if it's not too late for them to put it to use, it's certainly not too late to send it. A further point to consider, since a difference in schedules is an issue, are they going to be more put-off by not getting it until whenever you would eventually send it than they would from getting it afterhours?
  12. Sense of adventure's are not down to Earth. They are fast-tracks to drama city. If you want to play their game, you have to meet them at their level, not drag them down to yours.
  13. Girls like that only go for betas. Tough luck, champ.
  14. You say that as if there is some viable alternative.
  15. Cycle. Circle, if you prefer. Lions tend to. A child is born. A rock makes it way around the sun. Rinse, repeat. It's an odd feeling, when you realize that the last time you had a meal was in fact the last time. Menus change. People get older. Paths diverge, but the difference is all in your head. All directions head towards The End. Hypothetically, there is now one additional light waiting, baiting breath, to be put out. The wish remains the same though. It's still in your head.
  16. Hornshire


    Find the red key.
  17. You have to say the name three times if you want her to come. At least, that's typically how these sort of things work.
  18. It used to be morning-after sausage and mushroom Papa John's. It may still be. We're not entirely sure. Our tastes have changed much since last We had that.
  19. Indeed. Nobody makes doms do anything, kitten. They're in control of themselves. But keep yowling. It amuses us.
  20. Probably sometime after you stop begging for validation.
  21. That's what you said last time. And We're still waiting.
  22. Meh. Shit happens. No triumph was ever made merely by trying not to fail. Sometimes it's about approach, but sometimes it's just about simple grinding until success is achieved.
  23. Ours is an Ethan Allen. We only have the one.
  24. #BlackDaysMatter
  25. More than likely. We've seen all the other parts of Our childhood raped by Hollywood as of late. But then again, it's not Michael Bay. But then again, again, it's not like the original MMPR wasn't several egregious series of explosions with intermittent spats of poor acting so maybe it should be?
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