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Everything posted by lupin_bebop

  1. Bullshit.
  2. K.
  3. Have you played Sin and Punishment? It's basically that mated with God of War with a little Shadows of the Colossus. I'd even say it has some Spider-Man 2 style web slinging in it. Overall: Pass. At least until the price goes down.
  4. Hardly. I was just replying to threads as normal. It's not my fault no one else is on to respond back. Also, you should be proud. Not a single macro post was given that day.
  5. Are you aroused by penis? If not, then no. Pretty simple.
  6. .......Yet, you wonder why women won't talk to you.
  7. It went into Goatse's asshole.
  8. K.
  9. I really stopped caring about them after Gold and Silver. Too many of those bastards to keep up with after that. Also, levels and strength stopped being relevant. Want to win in Sun/Moon? Get a level 3 Pokémon with the right items and EV bullshit and you wipe a level 98.
  10. They only ban or delete your OK Cupid profile isn't banned or deleted without good reason.......so......if you'd stop being a creepy rapist asshat....
  11. You couldn't afford me.
  12. Yeah. They are nice.
  13. Or...OR.....you could just....I don't know....stop trying to be a creepy asshat.
  14. Stop raiding your sister's underwear drawer.
  15. Paying off your kid, huh?
  16. Mine? Look at Cyberbully360[/member]'s signature. That's pretty much it.
  17. Must. Resist. Urge. To make. Snarky. Complimentary. Comment.
  18. Hardly. I've only been pissed once this year............They will never find the body parts. No matter how hard my apartment complex or police look.
  19. That does suck. I'm sorry you had that happen to you. Hope you feel better. I guess I'll have to kill a door now.
  20. I remember it.
  21. Wow. You have clothes on in this one. Color me surprised.
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