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Everything posted by lupin_bebop

  1. You do realize you’re talking to a tested and proven 99th percentile science need from academia, right?
  2. THAT.......Is fucking amazing.
  3. This.
  4. Yeah......I bet your supervisor won’t give you a raise, especially after that last piece of bullshit you pulled. I wouldn’t, either. Good job, you fucked it up.
  5. A few things here: 1. Gran Turismo Sport doesn’t look that great. It’s an aged racing franchise that has really showed it. 2. A racing wheel is the best way to experience that game. They advertise themselves as “The REAL driving simulator,” so a driving wheel and pedals is the BEST way to experience that. Speaking from experience, a wheel actually makes you do BETTER in that game, because you have a feel for the car, feedback and all. 3. If you’re shitty at this game and consistently lose matches, it’s probably because you’re just a shitty gamer, or because of number 2. 4. If you’re going to rid yourself of your PS4 and controller, then give them to me. I could use extras, as I play mine more than you. 5. You don’t know how to race in real life. It’s safe to assume the only time you’ve been to a track it to watch a nascar race, and maybe once, at that. TL;DR: Shut the fuck up, pussy.
  6. Because he is a shit human being.
  7. lupin_bebop


    Add sugar, and some vanilla, mix in some rock salt and ice, and you’ll have ice cream.
  8. You are the reason abortions should be legal.
  9. Thats $1000 a week, assuming you work 5 days a week. Sign me the fuck up.
  10. Yeah. I know you peaked in high school. Get over it Virgingundam
  11. You’ve been shitposting for weeks now, dude. Time to grown up.
  12. I don’t need to. You don’t know the definition of “idiom”, do you?
  13. Cats, maybe. |::
  14. My answer hasn’t changed.
  15. That is your problem. When you assume, it makes you look like an ass to me.
  16. No shit. That’s why I said my original statement. Also, no.
  17. So, that’s how you do it.
  18. ......Where? And no.
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