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Everything posted by lupin_bebop

  1. Don’t be mad because I’m able to see outside the box.
  2. I’m not scared of you in the least. Neither is your mom.
  3. I’ve done that before. Doesn’t really take that much vigilance. Just a steady internet connection.
  4. SAME THOUGHT I had while looking at this. Made no goddamn sense. I don’t think the maker of this test or the author of the books they are trying to pawn on me even bothered to acknowledge that dictionaries exist.
  5. Awesome. I wish more of them were about that here in Texas. Especially given we are closer to Brazil than you guys are.
  6. Hah. I guess you have a day off then. Lucky you.
  7. First time around: innovator/merchant Second: innovator/builder Third: innovator/banker
  8. Time to get the fuck out of Dodge.
  9. Not all. Unfortunately, the ones that are good at managing money all live like you right now.
  10. lupin_bebop


    Yes. Love melons
  11. .......Fucking Hell. Why won’t you just eat some lead based paint and shut the FUCK up already?
  12. Yeah........as much as I am open to a lot of things, I agree with you there.
  13. Soinds to me you’re not much of a man. That is an ultimatum by the alpha female to get your shit together or get the fuck out. Honestly, by your age, I already had/have a place of my own, girlfriend, car, and bills paid, not to mention college under my belt. Sounds to me like you’re a beta male.
  14. Nice. Good luck. Don’t fuck it up.
  15. lupin_bebop


    There's not enough evil going on. Trust me. I asked Satan and Beelzebub. There's not enough.
  16. Also, what? I couldn't hear you over the sound of this.... [youtube autoplay=1]
  18. Last Exile was better. So was Tokyo Ghoul, Tokyo Majin, DBZ, Pokemon, Fairy Tail, literally anything.
  19. lupin_bebop


    Please don't.
  20. This...........coming from the human equivalent of that fraction.
  21. So....you're dead.....that's death temperature.
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