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Everything posted by lupin_bebop

  1. Black guy in wife beater reporting a domestic violence incident in an apartment complex with the police around in the state of Texas.
  2. Not worried about down payment. I’m just afraid of getting paperwork fucked.
  3. Right there is where you fucked it up. My mom is a real estate agent (corporate real estate), and I KNOW it takes them a fucking century to do that shit, because I was their office monkey/gopher for a while. I’m waiting another year before getting finalized to get my shit in order. I don’t want hard credit inquiries done all at once, especially around the holidays, because that’ll fuck me.
  4. Yeah.....our mall is playing it, too.
  5. I considered a town house, but I'm still too close to people. Unfortunately, most of the houses in Dallas are sardine houses.
  6. I can manage most of the maintenance stuff in a house. My dad at least showed me some practical skills. I know the process for getting a house is a fucking nightmare. It's designed to be a nightmare for anyone born after 1955. They do that shit on purpose. It's some bullshit. Good news is that I've already started the process, and gotten most of the preliminary stuff out of the way. Still need to start the bank stuff and offers without things getting taken off the market and shill bidders.
  7. ..........Do I REALLY need to go into this one?
  8. I'm going to hear just about everything no matter what happens. It's the problem with being a musician and having a degree in audio. My neighbors don't realize I can hear EVERYTHING. The floor and ceilings are thin as fuck. At least, in a house, I can play my music loud as I want. I just have to worry about the neighbors being nosy shits.
  9. Domestic disturbance. No excitement. I just wanted some fucking peace and quiet. I'm tired of their shit. Also, with my old job, I really don't want the police poking around.
  10. Yeah. In a house, they’ll take your statement and shit.
  11. Yes, they usually do. I have a feeling this will be a timed exclusive, rather than a true exclusive.
  12. You sound like a beta male.
  13. Not necessarily. It's also used by legitimate businesses to conduct transactions that would otherwise get them taxed to fuck and back. Also, in my previous life, that's how I dealt with some of my pay. It's cryptocurrency. It CAN be converted to cash, but unfortunately, like everything good on this planet, it has been perverted by fucking idiots, and trafficked.
  14. :-X Yeah. They probably will put it on PS4 and PC soon. Not worth getting a Switch.
  15. I know the feeling.
  16. Yep. I said that.
  17. Well, yeah. It's syndicated, so they can do that. Viacom owns them, so it's just another Viacom property getting to play it.
  18. My advice to you: Get used to bending over and crying, because you're going to be doing that for a while. You may want to hold on to any bars of soap you have, too.
  19. [youtube autoplay=1]
  20. Yeah......that’s not how that works. You’re going to be at least $3500 in debt for fines and other shit. Contempt of court, too? Nope. That’s sticking, looking at the short history you’ve given me here. You CAN get your license reinstated, but it won’t be until you pay off all the fines and fees.
  21. That’s true. He gets more pussy than TIC and Zeni and half the boards do, combined.
  22. About time. Looks like you’re getting back into the saddle and post.
  23. Everyone. I make more than that, and I still barely break even.
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