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Everything posted by lupin_bebop

  1. I just don't give fucks in general.
  2. Yet another adult thing I should be doing, but don’t: Giving fucks
  3. Pearl handled .38 special and a Glock
  4. Maybe you should rewrite some of they bylaws for your 3 HOAs
  5. Yep. Still watch it. Will probably be in my 80s still fucking watching it.
  6. Meh. I do that shit all the time. That’s not special. i usually wait until the last possible moment before late charges to pay my bills.
  7. Yeah. The recommendation system is still wonky, though it has been around a long while now. I just turned it off for me. I just left the “Others Bought” section up.
  8. Good. They aren't that great, anyway.
  9. Fuck. Called @Phillies right the fuck out.
  10. Did you get that one position in the contractor?
  11. Morgan Freeman is the highlight of that movie. Everything else is tripe.
  12. Dude. Just do it. It’s not hard. Not yet.
  13. No. Just do it yourself, man. Takes less than 10 minutes, and costs as much as a lunch at Chipotle.
  14. Wait......you haven’t self-sabotaged this one? Good job.
  15. ..............................Maybe you should consider architecture.
  16. Nope. No chocolate, though.
  17. Yeah. I’m aware of all of this. I was there.......... I was there with the stairs.
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