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Everything posted by lupin_bebop

  1. Nope, but I know you will be triggered by this and this.
  2. 6 oz of meat? Seriously? That's a FUCKTON of meat on a sandwich. The fuck kind of monster sandwiches are they making?
  3. Then head here and get out of my hair. Talk to someone.
  4. No. I'm sure you know the taste of boipussy, though.
  5. Because whoopsy whoopsy boingo knickers
  6. Yeah. I can't stand that, either. It bothers me.
  7. What if............I want to take my shit in it?
  8. So........basically, a day trip? Cool. I’ll be sure not to set the welcome mat out for ya.
  9. Why the fuck won't Fuggs give up the ghost and realize that people don't like her and that she's a mental midget?
  10. Always been a millennial, but never really gave a fuck.
  11. You....just.....you know what? Fuck it. Shut the fuck up, Naraku.
  12. Used to live there.
  13. I haven't been over there in decades.
  14. Nice. Good job.
  15. You could give it to me. I have many things I could use it on. a new HDMI cable sounds good.
  16. Wow.....you’d think with all the HOA money you spend, they would’ve gotten everything
  17. Interesting. I don’t know why.
  18. You ain’t fucking special. I work a couple doors down from a GameStop. I get one of those lists literally every 2 weeks. They update it then.
  19. I know where I sleep, too.
  20. Seriously. Don’t be that guy, man. Jesus.
  21. This is what I said.
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