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Everything posted by lupin_bebop

  1. If you were a real male, you'd know exactly what it is. Unfortunately, you're a fucking pussy ass beta male. So, yeah. Get used to seeing it.
  2. So.....you're just going to start shitposting now? Okay.....well, if you're going to do that shit.....you might wanna start providing like a male. Here's a little help with that.
  3. Yeah.....but without them, you'd never find a date.
  4. Yeah.....I know them feels
  5. Man....what a buzzkill.
  6. This shit right here.......this is why you kept getting banned and Babbling didn't want your ass.
  7. No. I may analyze a lot of things, but it doesn't stop me in my tracks.
  8. ..........................Zeni? Since when did you turn into Phillies?
  9. This handwriting is all over the fucking place. It starts out looking like a lefty wrote it. Then, it looks like the paper was turned to compensate the lefty writing style without the slant. Then, it goes into the prison equivalent of "Yeah, my dick is big" with the "jumped by 16 dudes" portion, which looks like it was written by a righty. Leads me to believe this shit is fake as fuck. Looks like someone is trying to mask their own loneliness by writing themselves letters, to me.
  10. .................Wow. Pillows.
  11. I’m more thrown by the fact you’ve used the term “incel” in this place.........I thought you were cooler/better/more intelligent than that.
  12. Your “clap back” stings about as much as a sip of ice water.
  13. About that........
  14. Well, he was white.......so his bail was set at pretty much zip.
  15. Indifference. Frankly don’t know pricing. Will figure it out after.
  16. ............
  17. So......Zeni?
  18. Pffft. You e already failed.
  19. You had a panic attack. Generalized Anxiety Disorder fits better than ALS. ALS is chronic, and has specific symptoms. It's famous, Lou Gehrig's Disease, so I don't think you have it. It's rare patients last 30+ years. Also, slurred speech is pretty obvious.
  20. Whatever the fuck you say.
  21. https://makeameme.org/meme/bruh-she-wants
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