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Everything posted by lupin_bebop

  1. lupin_bebop

    Pokémon Go

    It will make gym battles annoying as shit, really.
  2. It actually does, mathematically. Guess I'll take that drink now.
  3. Depends. If I'm alone, I'm not usually wearing pants, so pretty much immediately. Otherwise, about 5-10 feet from the throne.
  4. lupin_bebop

    Pokémon Go

    Meh....I can't take anymore of these useless 3rd Generation Pokémon. I really can't. I find pretty much everything after the 2nd Gen useless. They have pretty much proven so, minus a couple (Re: Salamence)
  5. lupin_bebop

    Pokémon Go

    Not Bagon. That will fuck up the balance of the whole game. Dragon Pokémon are ALREADY out of balance. 100,000,000 Salamences walking about? No thanks. Now Ralts or Beldum, I can get behind. Strong, but not changing overall balance if there are many of them out there. I hope it's Vulpix, personally. I also hope they make it Wurmple, just to fuck with everybody.
  6. lupin_bebop

    Pokémon Go

    I can't wait until the next Community Day.
  7. lupin_bebop

    Pokémon Go

    So yes, @viperxmns, @blueraven1999, and @1pooh4u.....I finally got MULTIPLE shiny Pokémon from a Comminity Day event. Also, sunglasses on Squirtle is fucking BADASS.
  8. lupin_bebop

    Pokémon Go

    Yes, @Hachiman It was Squirtle Community Day.
  9. Congo can also be Dutch, Belgian, or Greek.
  10. You sure? The bullet option benefits a lot more people.
  11. lupin_bebop

    Pokémon Go

    The friend system is in full effect and needs a little buffing for some milestones, if you ask me.
  12. lupin_bebop

    Pokémon Go

    As long as we agree on this.
  13. lupin_bebop

    Pokémon Go

    Have I told you “Fuck you” yet today? If not, then, FUUUUUUUUUUUCK YOOOOOUUUUUUU
  14. lupin_bebop

    Pokémon Go

    I got Paras all the time where I am. They have now adjusted the nests, so they are less common for me.
  15. XBL gamertag: lupinbebop PSN: lupin_bebop Battle.net battletag: lupinbebop#1971 Nintendo ID should STILL be: lupin_bebop SteamID: lupin_bebop You get the picture.
  16. You DO realize how many titles there are in that series, right? ALL of them begin with "The Legend of Zelda" so, when you say "The Legend of Zelda", it's confusing as Hell, even if you mean the original. We can't glean that you mean the original without clarification. We don't live in your head, so get over the fact we can't see what you are thinking.
  17. lupin_bebop

    Pokémon Go

    Finally got ahold of one of these bastards. Spent 7 Pokeballs on it, too. Fucker.
  18. She's working on that double chin just like you, isn't she?
  19. You look like Raven Simone gained 250 pounds, then fucked a T-Rex.
  20. You look like Martin Lawrence in Big Momma fucked an Oompa Loompa.
  21. Learn to wash your hands after taking a shit. You wouldn't have this problem.
  22. So.......honky? Okay.
  23. Actually, I get legal everything. It’s kinda nice. Don’t have to play games. Just ask.
  24. I’m sorry to hear that. That stinks. On a related note:
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