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Everything posted by lupin_bebop

  1. You KNOW Fuggs can't read, man. I thought that was common knowledge by now.
  2. Actually, that's poor on YOUR part. I'm sorry that the English language is so hard for you. It's not too far of a stretch that a colloquialism such as "Yep" goes above and beyond your intellect. I is sorry, massa. Maybe next time, I talk like my kinfolk so you get me better and da white folk don't tink I knows words.
  3. Oh.......you so DO understand English now? Okay.
  4. *looks at question* Yep.
  5. This. Unfortunately, we don't get more members or randoms because of certain people. Also, after the .com conversation FUBAR that just happened, I understand why.
  6. Whatever you say fucktard. If you can't handle English in you beta pinhead, then that's on you.
  7. "Wait and see" on a new name. She made a new name because the other one is gone.
  8. Up to you. Notice is notice. Congratulations on the new job. Namaste.
  9. ..............Do I even....nope...not falling for that shit.
  10. Yep.......all of them will wind up in Dumpster Fires. Can't wait.
  11. The Kardashians, Trumps, and Clintons.
  12. ..............At competitive eating, yes.
  13. lupin_bebop

    Pokémon Go

    How do you know it's a 100 Magikarp? I still haven't figured out those yet. Not a single IV maker I've found has given me a 100 Pokemon yet. I feel like I may have gotten rid of some possible 100s because they aren't really that accurate or I don't know how to use the Trainer Level choice correctly.
  14. I have more skill than you.
  15. *yawn* I'm sorry, I wasn't paying attention to you, I was too busy actually getting pussy.
  16. Yeah.....there's nothing more alpha than manning a grill with a beer and Glock on your hip, little boy. You're too young to understand, so I'll tell you all about it when you're older.
  17. I LOVE summer. ALl the things you can do outside. Swimming, grilling....and fewer clothes to deal with.
  18. ....................White male with country club membership.
  19. There is LITERALLY not a single word in this that is true. Period.
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