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Everything posted by lupin_bebop

  1. Yeah......had to add the ellipsis in it.
  2. ..........Whatever, motherfucker.
  3. You look like what stale cigarillos smell like.
  4. Yeah......you need a REAL therapist. Even then.....they can't provide the help your crazy ass needs.
  5. lupin_bebop

    Pokémon Go

    Remind them that they WORK FOR NERDS.
  6. lupin_bebop

    Pokémon Go

    Yeah. Just like in the traditional Pokémon games, Zubats are just straight assholes. Welcome to life. Also, I swear to fucking GOD, if there is a Community Day around Zubat, I’m going to fucking firebomb Niantic’s fucking office.
  7. lupin_bebop

    Pokémon Go

    I have that on the weekend.
  8. lupin_bebop

    Pokémon Go

    I worked underneath 3 PokeStops. One was a gym. Used to troll the EVERLOVING JESUS SHIT out of the gym. Great way to spend a break/lunch and let off steam at the same time. Go in, beat the Pokémon in the gym. INTENTIONALLY leave it unattended and blank. Then, when the next sucker, errr....trainer, put their Pokémon in, I’d beat THEM, too. Usually, this is done with a lower level Pokémon, just gaming the type they put in. Rinse. Repeat. Then, if no one takes it within about an hour, I’ll usually put in a Snorlax, Chansey, or Salamence to dick with everyone.
  9. lupin_bebop

    Pokémon Go

    I. HATE. ALL of you.
  10. lupin_bebop

    Pokémon Go

  11. lupin_bebop

    Pokémon Go

    Welcome back to the fold. You picked a HELL of a day to start playing again. It’s Community Day today. Eevee is the Pokémon highlighted today. You’ll be able to take advantage of shiny Pokémon and the like too. Happy hunting!
  12. lupin_bebop

    Pokémon Go

    Don’t know if this was confirmed or not. But check it out.
  13. lupin_bebop

    Pokémon Go

    Have I said “FUCK YOU” to you yet this week? If not, then FFFFFFFFFUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUCK YOOUUUUUUUUUUUUU!! 🖕🏾🖕🏾🖕🏾🖕🏾🖕🏾🖕🏾🖕🏾
  14. I know them feels very well. Lyft sucks like that sometimes.
  15. You know......I know what your area code is, and I don’t even know your number.
  16. I know those feels. I did that a week ago today. Filled up....then a few hours later, had half a tank left.
  17. He actually THINKS that?!? HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! No let him.....I get a chance to fuck with them.
  18. ...........Man.....robbing graves there.
  19. @Zenigundam Yeah.......pedophilia is not cool man.
  20. This coming from the pedophile. Glass houses, sir.
  21. When you claim your own spawn’s achievements as your own.........
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