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Everything posted by lupin_bebop

  1. You know what would fix it to where you wouldn’t need either of those?
  2. Dude.....seriously.....you can do better than that discount crack whore of a dumpster fire human. Also.....why are you showing the discharges from her menstral cycle?
  3. 3. 2 words: Meat Curtains 4. You look like the final result of Fetal Alcohol Syndrome and a Pet Rock
  4. Old as fuck picture.
  5. Wait......you have neighbors? I thought you had like.....a big house and a lot of land and shit?
  6. Seriously, the ACTUAL fuck.
  7. ..............So.........you just admitted to pedophilia?
  8. .............He knows who's going to actually take care of him.
  9. If it's tech, it's just a paper loss. Just wait for it to come back up. As someone who worked in a tech company, I see this kind of shit all the time. It happens when an announcement of some kind of tech comes out. Then, it comes right back up.
  10. .....................I give him 4 more weeks.
  11. lupin_bebop


    Oh really? Man.....I guess you'll never catch her in a competition ever, then, because you won't be paying any fucking attention.
  12. lupin_bebop


    So.......instead of doing actual work....or taking care of your daughter......you do THIS bullshit.
  13. Welcome to getting old.
  14. Oooooohhh no. I'm gonna stop you there......it's going to be a frozen wintery day in Hell before a fucking Luddite retard of a human being tries to define shit to me.
  15. No, you don't. Fugg, ghostrek, and others set it on fire.
  16. The fuck is this? It's not on fire.......nope.
  17. Yeah.......I know....because your vaginal canal is basically a gigantic hallway now. Also, I know you're a liar.
  18. Yeah......I get them all the time. I'm a DJ....so yeah...
  19. It's almost like I am, too.
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