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Everything posted by lupin_bebop

  1. Because the age limit was higher at the time. I remember his ban for that. It was one of the most hilarious bans/reversals Luvv did.
  2. I really miss Moparman. And Goldar. They were homies. And DragonBoo
  3. I got permabanned for using a demotivator that had a tip in it, barely, but it was there. My FAVORITE permaban was for REPORTING the people who were using a hacked Lithium Technologies account (admittedly after logging in myself and verifying, then copying my profile notes). I let them use it for a while, cause some havoc, then reported it later.
  4. I miss @Goldar and @moparman They were homies.
  5. No. 😐
  6. I live in a 2nd Amendment STATE See previous answer for second question. (So yes. XD) My city officials are a joke, and have been for quite some time. They don't make decisions. They just collect the money we give them, or the money given by Uncle Sam, and by more hoses and cars with it.
  7. No, I didn't know you could do this. .........I kinda want to try it now. This is kinda scary, honestly. If THIS is how things get done in this place.
  8. Yeah.. That's about to get overturned. The First Amendment does apply to businesses, as well.
  9. "Members, remember! You have to remember the rule I made up! I know I'm insane and you shouldn't listen, but LISTEN to me!"
  10. ………Man, hot crowd
  11. I mean…..your existence already is a few, according to Clarence Thomas. 😅
  12. Yeah....guy has been a problem ever since he got on the bench.the Black community doesn't even accept him as one of our own. Mostly because he wants to outlaw interracial relationships/marriages. All because he wants to so it, but doesn't want anyone else to have the benefits.
  13. Both Abbott and Self basically just told the community “Sorry. Thoughts and prayers. You’re on your own.”
  14. Yep. Half the victims were kids.
  15. Wanna talk crazy timing? I used to live in Allen, Texas. The police response there? A GUARANTEED less-than 5 minute response time. NO. MATTER. WHAT. Period.
  16. A lot of them KNOW their death is imminent. It’s a GOAL for a lot of them, not a deterrent.
  17. I was LEAVING the outlet mall literal MINUTES before this went down. I saw about 8 Allen PD cars SWARMING the opposite side of the highway as I was leaving. I didn’t know what went down until an hour later.
  18. Is it, though? I don’t think so. It’s pretty easy math here. You’re an officer, and you’re tasked with protecting children/schools. If there is a threat to your school (whether you know ahead of time or not), your motherfucking JOB is to prioritize the fucking occupants’ (you know, the fucking STUDENTS) safety. That usually means, removing/getting in the way or threats/issues and/or neutralizing/de-escalating said threats/issues quickly before they get too far out of hand. That second statement is faulty logic based upon a grain of truth. Hurt people are more likely to hurt people. It’s not a universal truth. We are 6 years on from the Las Vegas hotel shooter’s shit, and they STILL can’t find a (scapegoat) reason. He was a normal citizen who just evil and wanted to kill. No rhyme. No reason. Just a note for target distance. The reason countries with gun control don’t have school shootings is simple: They don’t let guns get in the hands of people who might use them to shoot up a motherfucking school. Again, fucking simple math.
  19. Good news this time around: No one was injured or shot. Mother arrested in Fort Worth gun incident
  20. Congratulations.
  21. Like……I want to laugh and make jokes and stuff….but people died.
  22. We have already had this argument as a country once before. Her side lost.
  23. They did more than Uvalde cops did.
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