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Everything posted by PhilosipherStoned

  1. I tried to put the Snakes On A Plane quote in my beat, but the time doesn't much up well enough for me. Maybe I can find a spot for it,but I doubdt I'll use it unfortunately.. I almost ended up loosing some perfectly synced audio.. frustrating.
  2. Can I come visit your planet. This one stinks/
  3. Might as well post the whole movie. I never got around to watching it and I'm watching it now. Samuel L plays the voice of Number 2 the "Afro Samurai", and the funny ass old dude that follows him around for comedic effect.
  4. Samuel L Jackson is IN an anime.
  5. Not sure if that's right or not, but it's buggin the fuck out of me.
  6. I played it.. I now feel a little bit more terrible about myself, but only slightly. ::]::
  7. Think I'm about done, but I'll give it a shot.
  8. Wait..hhold on I said a lil. You did it too hard!
  9. The points don't matter? elaborate. If I wanted more water in my beer I'd move to OK, but I believe I still manage to stay hydrated enough without putting it in my beer.
  10. Wait wheres the game though.. Is this playable or was it just that terrible .. Newgrounds. Say no more fam. Oh boy.. I'm about to play this now. S:
  11. Oh shit Mochi.. I didn;t even think about you maybe taking a certain word in that post as condescending, damn my bad, I am an insensitive fuck I'll admit that much.. Though if that was offensive to you it was only out of sheer ignorance on my part
  12. PhilosipherStoned


    I've raised dogs more intimidating than that thing. bred with wolves ofcourse.
  13. Me too, and I'm not drunk enough. This faggot county wont start selling again until noon since it's everyones supposed to go to church or whatever dumb ass angle they're playin' help me please.
  14. PhilosipherStoned


  15. It's too late to buy any more for me sadly.
  16. No one else like the man's swagger? I would like to know if you guys have a fav quote... It's probably the 'say what again' thing isnt it.
  17. OOOOOH.... Makes since.
  18. I'd have to binge his films again, like I've done in the past.. but to me he's worked with way too many HOT ASS actresses as a love interest to base his films on that.
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