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Everything posted by PhilosipherStoned

  1. The last time I had a P.O. Box I had to because I was in the army. It didn't seem worth that money for a year.
  2. "Notice: This product is especially dangerous because of the sharp reversed blade and should not be purchased for youths. Please be especially alert while opening and handling this sword."
  3. http://www.trueswords.com/deluxe-reverse-blade-sword-rurouni-kenshin-sakabato-p-3098.html
  4. The hell is going on in here?
  5. All I have is some premade angus beef patties. I'm saving those.
  6. like what? I'm not trying to spend a grand or three grand. I prefer swords I can use on a wide variety of things not one that I'm going to worry about bending or breaking if I hit a tree with it. Name some swords. I like Shin Wa swords, but I'm honestly weary of anything advertising damascus steel.. Most of that shit is just manufactured to make it look like it has water marks and was made like an old school katana.
  7. Nope about 40 dollars plus shipping and handling for a 1055 carbon steel rust treated blade..no rayskin or ornamental parts but I didn't buy this to put on my wall I bought it to be a cutting tool and means of protection. The next sword I get is probably gonna be this. http://kultofathena.com/product.asp?item=SH2416 I don't have any more money to spend on swords atm.
  8. It's actually the cheapest thing out there that I'd still give a seal of approval .
  9. how do you even post pics on this site? nothing on photobucket works.. Guess I'll post them seperately URL=http://s802.photobucket.com/user/Philosipher_Stoned/media/Album/Cold%20Steel%20Katana%20Machete/IMG_20170502_210404.jpg.html[/url]
  10. I can take some I guess. I was to lazy earlier.
  11. broccloroni and cheese.
  12. No where near top quality, but about like I expected. The only thing I'm a little bummed about is it didn't come with a traditional saya, and it has no habaki, but hey it's not even a traditional katana.. Still I hate the giant ass "cor-ex" synthetic fabric sheath it came in... It has the same sheath as my regular machete, but the handle of a katana.. That kind of makes traditional practice with it impossible. Oh well atleast you can still practice your cutting angles and stance. I tested it out on the box it came in with a 45' and I almost cut it in half with a clean ass cut first try even though it handles differently then a full katana and it's been awhile since I practiced. Hopefully this thing will atleast hold up until I get my real sword.
  13. Maybe I should actually try to write one of those. Sticking to iambic pentameter is hard.. I stopped the first verse for this rap at 16 lines so I think I should probably keep going with this one until 16. Not sure what to write next though. I want it to end playing one the name of the beat "Vicious Circle" so I can through some afro samurai dialogue in, and maybe some Mace Windu.
  14. Too bad theres not a Jimmy Johns in my area.
  15. I think it's almost done. Yo my flow is so damn cold it froze up in the middle, but the cycle must continue despite ya growin' nipples. Time ta take this thing a hundred eighty three degrees below zero like starrin' in the eyes of ya fallen boy Jinno before ya slice 'im up because you gotta be the hero.. positive distractions are a must when you reflect on life an' spntaneously combust; into flames that erupt; engulf what you once were; you hate it but you want more like; icy cold lenemode; no limits; no criminals; no civics; broke physics; no quittin; no givin' up; he said it's simple as ABA; until I switched it up and hit 'em with some ABBA- BBA; that's my unique flow; from my unique soul
  16. My god I'm still awake. bro..take those fantasies to the dream world.
  17. start out the day with a breakfast full of whole grains and mixed fruits.. when you can't go any longer mix all up with a dish consisting of some pasta or rice, mixed vegatables and a finely chopped slice of a meat.. chicken is always dubbed the healthiest, but meh..whatever floats your boat. Now for a third meal sphaghetti or whatever kinda high carb pasta, but EASY on that meat... the fuck am I going with this that sounds delicious though. I've taken nutrition classes and even went toe to toe with an actual nutritionist and she couldn;t bash my logic.. I think squash... greens like broccoli, spinnach, kale. Those aree good for puttin' you back in action, but the best dishes use some sort of sweet and sour/ vinnegrete to coat it with ... it's all in the mix It can be hard to make a good one for those on a really low calorie intake.
  18. Anyone that has a non IRL facebook is weird In my opinion. I feel an IRL facebook is bullshit enough, but people start these fake ass ones usually to help them adopt another persona.. It's sickening.. I;ve never tried to do anything remotely simular in my life.
  19. Are you callin' me violent mothafucka? who's to say I'm not a gentle creature.
  20. Aww fuck nawh...lolz upon lawls god damn. Modify message
  21. Bro Imma be the loch ness monster so I dont show up either but people can still see me flow. ::spin::
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