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Everything posted by PhilosipherStoned

  1. You need to read this: https://www.helpguide.org/articles/schizophrenia/helping-a-person-with-schizophrenia.htm
  2. I remember I used to always play Primal Rage on arcade at this pizza place before it closed. Someone get me a barf bag...I'm feelin' nostalgic.
  3. sounds like they did everything but what they were supposed to..
  4. Leave them kids alone..
  5. I enjoyed watching it when it was on adultswim. It's been a while since I watched it.
  6. That's a vidya game right? Never played it. Your unpopular opinion is invalid.
  7. The one with the really short skirt for sure.
  8. And I will execute great vengeance upon them with furious rebukes; and they shall KNOW that I AM THE LORD! , when I shall lay my vengeance upon them.
  9. I'm sampling the audio from that scene into a hiphop beat.. who thinks I can dodge copyright if I cut it up enough?
  10. Ezikiel 25:17 Is it even in that movie? Oh shit it is.
  11. is beset beset on all sides.. I thought he was saying bisect. Where's that from is that from the bible or Quran.. I got it from Pulp Fiction.
  12. Is beset on all sides by the inequities of the selfish. "
  13. Could use some more polish maybe, but I ended on the right note. I'm thinking about poppin' the sample at the beginning of this in.. I think it could fit in before the verse. Copyright issues here I come. I'm going outside. Yo my flow is so damn cold it froze up in the middle, but the cycle must continue despite ya growin' nipples. Time ta take this thing a hundred eighty three degrees below zero like starrin' in the eyes of ya fallen boy Jinno before ya slice 'im up because you gotta be the hero.. positive distractions are a must when you reflect on life an' spontaneously combust; into flames that erupt; engulf what you once were; you hate it but you want more like; icy cold lenemode; no limits; no criminals; no civics; broke physics; no quittin; no givin' up; he said it's simple as ABA; until I switched it up and hit 'em with some ABBA-BBA; that's my unique flow; from my unique soul; some on the beat prose comin' at you full circle either see the verble hurdles or be; on your knees foes; omniscient; cognizant; of all the shit don't fall to greed holmes; dissolve the need yo; be calm 'n' think bro before you find your self trapped inside the circle of the fallen hero
  14. Is that amothafuckin' Rpg!! You got a mothafuckin RPG in a back pack!
  15. I might pull some vocal samples from this. I need to check through ressurection and see theres anything I want there as well.. I couldn't find this video on youtube again just one with the same pick that was clickbait. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9DXXVVEsORI]
  16. PhilosipherStoned


    At least I'm prepared for shit to hit the fan this time..When ASMB went down a lot of verses, or great ideas for rhyme shcemes went with it.. I actually end up refining and recording alot of that shit.. >_> So now if I think I might actually use something it gets copy pasted into sublime text before I leave the site. I suggest saving your work elsewhere as well. Also if you can remember the name of your threads you can pull up google cached versions of your threads and recover a lot of your work that went down on ASMB. It works for me more often than not.
  17. What I miss? The site was down since I got up.
  18. PhilosipherStoned


    I'm going to try to go to sleep in lil bit, but it;s gonna be hard. I didn't do shit today and I've got back into my nocturnal sleep cycle.
  19. I might end up doing exactly that.. Not only am I going to have to use my own truck I'm going to have to buy a ladder rack that'll probably run me around a $100 easily unless I can find one the company approves of cheap on amazon or craiglist. The company doesnt even pay for the drug test..which I was very worried about, and on top of all that it's kind of a comission pay based on the amount of work orders I get done so..Yup wait and see if this ends up being worth the time and effort that's all I can do. It's always a good idea to have a plan b for these kind of things, and sadly I'm not practicing what I preach atm.. because I stopped my job search after getting an offer from this company.
  20. The month is young so if you already got something fucked up going on it's a bit early to call it. It's too early to tell for me I'm in a bit of a suspensful standstill until I get the actual call to start the training for this job. My bank account is already lookin' a lil low so if this drags on too much longer things could get dicey.
  21. Hopefully I can start smoking :420: again because I'm going to attempt to go cold turkey on alcohol by May 11. Who knows though sometimes smoking weed makes me want to drink.
  22. Guess it's time for some boobtube.
  23. How much does one of those usually run you? I havent been keeping up with human trafficing prices recently.
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