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Everything posted by PhilosipherStoned

  1. PhilosipherStoned


    He hit it from the back.. :::
  2. I'm 4D. Your eyes just can't handle the awesomeness.
  3. yes, but it's rigged to make you have to buy the expansion after lvl 50. I stopped playing back when the lvl cap was 50, and canceled my subscription.. I came back to see if the free to play was as bad as people said it was.. It's kind of jank, but if you are good the lowered exp, and sucky drops don't really matter. IT still pissed me off when I stopped gaining exp entirely at lvl 50.
  4. I havent played since I got another jedi up to 50 on the free to play and it wouldn't let me level anymore. I should have bought a month subscription instead of letting PS now jack my money.. I do end up having fun playing it usually.
  5. I've never tried kimchi.. but after a korean chick told me what it was and why it was delicous I havent exactly been out to try it.
  6. Just put a P in there bro. He knows what you're talking about pioneer speakers are used in a lot cars advertising "High grade" audio capabilities.
  7. Speak now or forever hold your piece. :fap:
  8. You have..beautiful feet. I hope he didn't tell you otherwise. >_>
  9. I prefer the couch above all things.. Dont ask me why. I spent a grand on a badass bed when I bought this place, but I only use it for other things.
  10. Im going to work on cuttng out drinking first. Then when I have that on lock I'll work on cigarettes/
  11. PhilosipherStoned


    Saw a man fuckin' a donkey once over there..
  12. Fuck yeah!!! Chicken!! ALLLLLRRIIGHT~~ :fap:
  13. cocaine is a hell of a drug.. Is that one of her songs? Oh..yes it is. Not sure I wanna hear it though.
  14. Yeah you're right I might've been thinking about soulcalibur 4...
  15. What Katy Perry?
  16. I'm glad I'm not working in any form of law enforcment anymore. A lot of people ask me why I've never tried to be a street cop. DOMESTIC DISPUTES is the main reason I guess.
  17. I never played a gunslinger on SWTOR, but I played with a guy that was pretty good once PVE It was cool having somebody going pewpewpew! in the background. I did start a bounty hunter. Gotta say id prefer that over a gunslinger..
  18. soul calibur probably is due for a new one, but they've had lots of remakes.. I played SC5 of at a friends house, cant remember which one.. I know one had Darth Vader, and one of them had Spawn depending on the console.
  19. I feel the last name could be better.. Like Phil Mekokk Phil..me.. Idk.. I know there's a good one out there/
  20. Don't make me go get my friend felipe. He goes by Phillip. He likes the meaty ones.
  21. mine is [email protected]... I turned the spam filter off for you and everything big boy.
  22. I thought Naraku meant when of the kids from this show. It's what popped up when I googled it. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XFu7Le7Fr_s
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