Nobody? nothin'? figured.. Well atleast tell me what you think of the verse I'm rehersing..
It ends right at that natural pause in the beat where I put the SLJ quote.
Don't know how to make an intro, but I'll hit this shit like Shinto
Pray to the cresendo; have it hacked like the Nintendo; Switch it
up as simple as I roll a cigarillo; back into a blunt from the skin like
I'm a real pro; on this microphone like umm; yes sir, roger, wilco;
I'm a soldier droppin bombs; and I'd say to dodge my missile but,
I know you probably want it like "aww come on bring the dildo!"
I got some master balls but they didn't come from Silph Co.
These rappers have some bars, but they hit me weak like pillows;
always dog me hard, but when I spit they weep like willows
snakes in the grass/ get on my plane and I'll kill you; Samuel L;
Jackson cant even act the way I feel you; stupid mothafuckas;
you never foot the bill, but what comes around goes around;
you cannot cheat the till; hit the bong like cheech 'n' chong,
but at least I keep it real; some of y'all are 'in poverty' but ya
never miss a meal, actin' hard livin large like the kid from Mission Hill,
but I bet you bling and blong when I hit you in the grill; chill