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Everything posted by PhilosipherStoned

  1. Shit gets too repetive I don't see how dj's do this shit.. and I didn't even make the badass main track I'm mixing this into. I feel like i need a lil Mace Windu in there.. but compared to his other roles.. yeah not as much BANG!
  2. Gonna have to disagree with the Waterboy being his best film..The zenith of his career maybe.. I can dig that.
  3. I'm honestly pretty partial to purple.. but it's never looked good on this SN Like I said it looks good on you though. owo
  4. gggghosts!!! ::spin::
  5. I have a whole slue of these after watching Youtube gamers play some hilariously themed indie games, but I'll start with this one. "I think In A Minute Or So I'll Explode" is full of racist undertones, and if I had to guess what the theme they were going for is I'd say it's a satire of the brutalities of those with communist/socialist agendas.. Anyway.. It's surprisingly fun and addictive. https://hangedman.itch.io/itiamosiwe
  6. aint this about a bitch..
  7. FIVE MOTHS?? I only got 3 'n' a half.
  8. How much we talkin' I'm honestly a bit tapped out atm A moth flew out of my wallet yesterday.
  9. It looks good on you.
  10. I promise it wont hurt/ [soundcloud] [/soundcloud]
  11. but I took a shower and everything. Why wont you love me?
  12. This whole place is looking like a dumpster fire. I should go.
  13. are killing my buzz. another 5 minutes and the place'll probably be covered in deep blue. I'm having flashbacks from ASMB. ::spin::
  14. That was just my D I had to take a piss.
  15. but it makes me feel cold, and lonely. Somebody hold me. :-\
  16. Big Macs, and well Mcdonalds in general. I just found out that theres a 1000 dollar royalty... (maybe it was a 100 cant remember) that mcdonalds gives popular rappers just for mentioning the word "Big MAc" in their tracks.
  17. Nobody? nothin'? figured.. Well atleast tell me what you think of the verse I'm rehersing.. It ends right at that natural pause in the beat where I put the SLJ quote. Don't know how to make an intro, but I'll hit this shit like Shinto Pray to the cresendo; have it hacked like the Nintendo; Switch it up as simple as I roll a cigarillo; back into a blunt from the skin like I'm a real pro; on this microphone like umm; yes sir, roger, wilco; I'm a soldier droppin bombs; and I'd say to dodge my missile but, I know you probably want it like "aww come on bring the dildo!" I got some master balls but they didn't come from Silph Co. These rappers have some bars, but they hit me weak like pillows; always dog me hard, but when I spit they weep like willows snakes in the grass/ get on my plane and I'll kill you; Samuel L; Jackson cant even act the way I feel you; stupid mothafuckas; you never foot the bill, but what comes around goes around; you cannot cheat the till; hit the bong like cheech 'n' chong, but at least I keep it real; some of y'all are 'in poverty' but ya never miss a meal, actin' hard livin large like the kid from Mission Hill, but I bet you bling and blong when I hit you in the grill; chill
  18. I'm still waiting on my katana machete. I'll let you know how if it holds up as advertised.
  19. PhilosipherStoned


    that'll be five dollas.
  20. So after I alluded to Samuel L Jacksons anger in the first part of this flow I decided to look up some Jackson quotes. I found the video below and there are SO MANY good audio bits that add color to the track, including the one I I already mixed into this beat: https://soundcloud.com/austinmoseley/vicious-circle-first-quote-sync/s-CdIlF I'll probably work on putting my intro verse in next.. but I really want to take my time with this it could be pretty dope.. well atleast for something I made. Any particular quotes you guys think I should mix in.. The one I already put in there was from "Pulp Fiction".
  21. I said yes to a 7 day free trial .. I guess like two months ago, and it is a pretty cool thing, but I guess it's $20.00 a month.. the last charge was $21 something and the first one was 19.99... I havent even used it this month so I told my self I better cancel that shit NOW...but I got into the god of war series with it and I kinda wanna pick up where I left off. There is some pretty great games on it, but I'm not the kind of guy that flops around from one game to the other enough to play 3 games a month let alone 400... It's kind of like a playstation game netflix. Only 3 times the price. Fuck that. Let me see where I left off on God of war and if I really want to continue it I can probably pick up a 3 disk collection for the same price they are charging me a month for this bullshit.
  22. PhilosipherStoned


    I saw the word art and clicked on this thead. Some how I was dissapointed to find no "art"
  23. What does that even mean?
  24. I said it yesterday, but I'm planning on being done with alcohol completely soon..so when I was at the store buying smokes after my homemade crossfit shit.. I said why not try the new four loko... It's just another one of those Jolly Rancher infused vomit inducing frankenstiens so... If you're curious there you go.. Since I plan on stopping my alcohol intake I dind;t really buy enough to get screwed of course, but the four loko "blaze" did not in anyway impress me.. besides from packing the 14% punch that thing was one of the worst "flavors" I think I've tasted... I would rather have their 'Gold' which I'm sure inspired their new line of 14% garbage...
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