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Everything posted by PhilosipherStoned

  1. right here bruh/
  2. or kids, but yeah. It makes more since then cartoons like "The amazing world of Gumball" That shit stars a squirrel with a fish for a brother (it has legs!!!), and a rabbit for a dad. There's talking balloons and cups...and I don't even know what the fuck this is. : o
  3. I'd pretty much forgotten about the guy. I remember I used to love his show on MTV. It always cracked me up.
  4. Don't push me cuz I'm close to the edge
  5. Sadly I will admit that when pokemon go was a big craze, and for the short time that I played it... I bought a few bags of pokeballs and whatever the things were that attracted pokemon to a pokestop.
  6. I only figured it out because I watched a video of Andy Milinaikis getting his ID rejected at CVS on youtube, and I clicked on some gamers twitch vid where he calls Andy and asks if wants to chill or go to Vegas. He said he had to go record for Adventure Time later that week over the phone and I was like FOR REAL? At least he got some rap in there.
  7. Thought his character might be a little cooler. Maybe I just havent seen the good stuff.
  8. What is that from I want to watch it now
  9. me to/
  10. Weird I havent had anything like that happen, but I'll tell you what has been pissin' off. The youtube 'bots' de-monitizing videos on channels just because the titles contain programmed flagged words or whatevah. I'm not a youtuber, but I've been contemplating starting a youtube channel for awhile, and I don't have cable. I pay too much for my high speed internet, so youtube, and streamed episodes of my favorite shows are all the tv I watch.. Seeing channels as big as Phillip De Franco's, Zombie Go Boom, and probably other channels with great content that try to push the envelope all uploading videos about this shit trying to ruin them.. not helping me take that leap at all youtube.
  11. sounds good. I'd like to grow a few things myself, but I might get in trouble. I am thinking about getting some venus fly traps/ and or pitcher plants to grow just for fun. I'd like to have them kind of hanging around my back patio.. They'd spruce it up and control insects, but I'm not sure how they'd do here in Texas. I live in the panhandle, and we've had decent rain and above average humidity this year.
  12. My heat is good.. just a wall furnace, but it's hooked to thermostat, and gets the job done in a two bedroom. I just need to make some improvements to the cooling. It's not even summer yet, and last year here in Tx I was sweating balls with just this one window unit in.
  13. My neighbor mowed my front lawn the other day when he did his.. and when I thanked him he brought up the fact that I have crab grass..or it came up because I barely bought this house. Anyway more power to you if you want to beautify your yard.. sod it up and fertilize your trees, and decorate the shit, but I have more important projects to deal with and I've already poured alot of money into this property. Fools just gonna have to deal with his neighbors yard making him look bad atm
  14. I made too much money. I didn't get a return this year.
  15. for some reason this song has always hit me. I actually got to go to a Neil Diamond concert one time, but It wasnt really a choice..
  16. Sounds like an awesome plan actually. I dont have pizza, but I had plenty of barbecue earlier. I'm definately good on the beer part though, and I should be atleast 2 or three episodes behind on dbz super so I might throw them on.. I honestly like to be behind on it since they like to throw some bullshit filler in that takes up 99 percent of the episode when theres something major suppose to happen.
  17. Your mama sucks.
  18. what's a normal person?
  19. I can relate.
  20. lend me yours.
  21. That's just the intro the rap picks up after that... That beat does strange things to my mind and it makes the writing hard to pick back up after I stop. I'm still trying to pick up where I left off. Guess I better put the headphones on and pick up the mic. I'm sure I'm gonna have to make adjustments before this is over. S:
  22. Too blurry hard to identify. but it could be a hobo or house spider... A small one if so. Or baby wolf spider it's just way to hard to tell from the picture... If it's a hobo spider it's kind of bad news because their venoms simular to that of the brown recluse.
  23. Starts with a haiku. Time to write the ultimate Haiku I'm Murimasa with this demon blade; no strike two...
  24. I like this feeling and I now remember why I hate it at the same time. I want to hear it..I barely started it and the flow already kind of got out of hand. Time to put it to the ear test. O0
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