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Everything posted by GunStarHero

  1. I found a Confederate/Stars and Bars "ninja sword" once.
  2. GunStarHero


    I microwave them. Come at me.
  3. Much as I liked the Sega Saturn, its lack of support and success in the US was a big reason the Dreamcast would eventually fail. Saturn did fine in Japan but Sega was in the hole from all the addons they made for the Genesis and the failing US market for the Saturn. Then the juggernaut, best selling game system of all time launched. The PS2 dominated and its inclusion of dvd player capabilities, which was done in house by Sony, had a big impact on Sega. They were having to buy parts from other companies and it just got too expensive to stay above water. Sega lost money on their systems, especially with the internet support, so they had to make sales from games. And that didn't happen. Sega couldn't handle the loss of profit like the comparatively giant Sony could and did. Sucks but I also honestly don't know many people that had the Dreamcast when it was still new. Everybody had the PS2. And a "cheap" DVD player made it appealing for parents to justify buying one for the house since it wasn't just for games.
  4. It's literally just fry sauce.
  5. They're ok. But they're also just generic. Nothing special and you can find similar quality tenders at plenty of other places. They do at least serve decent sized tenders, unlike the anemic ones you find at some other chicken places. So there's that.
  6. What may be happening with Underground is what is likely happening to Burnout 3. The soundtrack licenses are keeping it from being done for whatever reason.
  7. Much as I liked F Zero, the only racing game I really loved was Burnout 3. God I want a remaster or port of that so badly.
  8. Was planning on being a piece of shit at home today but I got called into work.
  9. You just reminded me of these ads for Bloodrayne. I never played the games but I apparently committed to memory the sexy, video game vampire lady.
  10. That depends on how committed you are to modeling my dumpster-tier "creations" on Etsy.
  11. Friend of mine ended up getting a nice job and got himself a new BMW. I was legitimately worried about him getting pulled over for nothing and something bad happening as he was a younger black guy. Offered to ride with him if he ever needed me too. Sounds stupid, but he took me up on the offer if only to hang out more. Sure enough, one day I was with him, we got pulled over and ole Lieutenant 2% waltzes over with his bullshit about speeding. Dude didnt believe it was my friend's car and told him to step out of the vehicle. I piped up and just asked the officer if I could drive instead if that was ok. He checked my ID, (I didn't have a license, btw, just a learner's) and agreed to it but told me to watch the speed and blah blah blah. I won't pretend to know if anything else could have happened but I was happy I was there in that moment. Didn't happen again, least not while I was still riding with him up until I moved away.
  12. What a coincidence! I've always wanted to be one! Alas, I am a lowly, itty bitty titty, bargain bin goth. Those clothes are too damn expensive, man.
  13. IS THAT AN AKITA????
  14. Let's see your memes then, Mr. Funny Man!
  15. Ok bye.
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