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Everything posted by GunStarHero

  1. I dunno about this. Over the years I consistently see cooks, chefs, and food workers in general sneak or just outright hound food. That being said, making the same thing over and over can make you numb to it, especially if you're actually eating it, too. Chicken place I used to work at would allow employees to take home certain items at the end of the day if there were any leftovers. Seemed too good to be true, but I quickly saw that no one else was grabbing much, if anything, most days. We only served a handful of items, so it got old fast. Most nights I was bringing home food was for someone else, like a roommate or neighbor. But I'll be damned if I didn't grab a honey mustard chicken roll for myself most days.
  2. Atari 2600 - I don't believe I can say with any confidence I truly beat any games on this system. NES - Super Mario Bros. SNES - Zombies Ate My Neighbors GameBoy - Pokemon Blue Genesis - Mortal Kombat Game Gear - Surf Ninjas (fuckin' radical, dudes) Nomad - Gunstar Heroes Saturn - Guardian Heroes (I absolutely cheated) Playstation - Medal of Honor Nintendo 64 - Majora's Mask GameBoy Color - Pokemon Yellow Dreamcast - Zombie Revenge Gamecube - Pikmin (closely followed by me no lifing the fuck out of SSBM) Playstation 2 - Red Faction (my darling, dead franchise) GameBoy Advance - Super Mario Advance Xbox - Halo: Combat Evolved Xbox 360 - Condemned: Criminal Origins (I only finished this one first because, and I vividly remember this, Perfect Dark Zero was such a massive pile of shit I rage quit) Playsation 3 - Resistance: Fall of Man (good night, my sweet prince) Wii - Super Smash Bros. Brawl Playstation 4 - Destiny (if you can even count that as being beaten at any point) Xbox One - Dead Rising 3 Switch - Pokemon Let's Go Eevee Some of these I am extremely confident of while others I am surely shoehorning something in.
  3. I do. But I also have an old Bravia to use, as well. I have tons of equipment, used to have more but got rid of it, so I regularly help with setup but these events are very uncommon now and may be all but gone soon.
  4. Mostly online now, actually. The events in person are usually not tournaments anymore.
  5. As much as I can (not many tournaments these days).
  6. Yep. I more or less created a new button combo that's extremely versatile.
  7. I've had so much free time lately I managed to change the meta of a highly competitive, 16 year old video game. Proud of myself.
  8. I have legitimately never heard of some of these things before looking at this list.
  9. Vegeta is salty because he's one of the few, actual characters in the series. Meanwhile, Goku is a yoked up fitness orc that stumbles into seasonal Mario Super Star power ups and wins, even if it's from the grave cause he's so full of shit.
  10. The Naked Director This is a Japanese show, produced by Netflix, based on the real life of a prolific Japanese porn director. I didn't know what to expect here and, I'll be honest, a lot of live action Japanese shows just come off as boring or cheap imo, so I didn't have high expectations. Man was I wrong to be skeptical. This was a gorgeous little series that was way more fascinating than I anticipated. Seeing someone traverse the violent and seedy underbelly of Japanese porn distribution while also dealing with the ludicrous and arbitrary censorship laws of the country was magical. This is explicit, as you might imagine, but it all serves the greater narrative. It's also primarily set in the 1980s so it was cool to see nostalgia for a bygone era from another country's perspective.
  11. Pretty sure I'm just another lame avatar my shitty, ethereal controller is playing. My character will soon be deleted to make room for whatever new playable race/class combo is coming with the next update.
  12. Not sure this is the case for this instance, but restaurants use certain products to make what's on their menus and when something is out, it's out. Like maybe there are premade chicken patties for a sandwich. Once they're gone, the restaurant just stops serving that item. Sometimes if it's a franchise they will call another store and ask if they can come and pick up whatever they need to serve the item again. A lot of fast food places have to adhere to certain standards so going to the grocery store to pick up more stuff won't work in most cases. Sometimes menu items are made from leftovers and maybe there weren't enough to make a new batch. Likewise, the food might need to be marinated or slow cooked or whatever. In that instance they would actually have the food, but not be able to serve it. Or maybe the walk-ins/coolers went out or something got dropped or spoiled. It may well have been that the store just didn't order enough chicken, but they also could have experienced some hiccups with shipments. Point is, there are tons of reasons a chicken restaurant would be out of chicken, especially a particular kind.
  13. I'm like 5'9" cause apparently I'm shrinking.
  14. Isn't my girlfriend about the same height as you? I felt like I had to wear my highest heels around you two. Then again, I tower over almost every other female at work. I swear the ones that are taller than me are all like 7'.
  15. Gonna have to get you a futon or something.
  16. Eh you can come crash at my place again if you want.
  17. I appreciate it all the same!
  18. I demand you add these two to the reaction list:
  19. Here's some examples of Japanese laserdisc art that I like. Of the ones shown, I only own Se7en.
  20. I'm constantly finding laserdisc art, often from Japan, that blows me away. It's like vinyl art for movies. I hate that box art is just this generic crap most of the time. Makes the package feel less valuable. Its sorta like how video games used for have manuals inside with cool, unique art and info but now you might buy a game that literally only has a dlc code in the box and nothing else. Just a shame.
  21. I was happy enough to even find the Kenshin sets I did buy. They are pretty rare in general. I've seen the entire collection on eBay go listed at $600+, and the sets themselves are so uncommon, there are almost no pictures of them anywhere online. Not to mention the back of the boxes say they originally retailed for an absurd $220 PER box set. These things obviously did not sell well at that price but I was thrilled to get 6 of the 7 box sets for a mere $10. Yea that Kenshin full body poster has some lame, generic art. It's something I'd expect from a magazine foldout poster, not a $200+ box set. I did a cursory search for that series and found nothing. It may be listed under a slightly different name, though. For instance, Yu Yu Hakusho was actually Yuu Yuu Hakusho, which I only discovered after searching "Hakusho" and seeing most items had Yuu Yuu and not Yu Yu. Who knows, maybe they have it somewhere under some other name.
  22. I'm not too informed about this but as I understand, all my Japanese laserdiscs would play fine on an American player. I heard PAL laserdiscs are the only other kind besides NTSC.
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