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Houdini Splicer

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Everything posted by Houdini Splicer

  1. It's like "Who"s on First?" except infinitely sadder...
  2. My favorites were Pac-Man, Mrs. Pac-Man, Galaxian, Galaga, Gyruss, Centipede, and Millipede. Made it to Earth on the arcade Gyruss. Beat the game on the NES version. Good times.
  3. It was also an arcade game. I've played it, too. So, you settle down, Beavis.
  4. It means take a vow of chastity, and become a monk. I mean, you're never gonna score, anyway, so why the hell not?
  5. That is true.
  6. Well, hell.
  7. Oh, wow. Oh, no. This is a very, very, very late April Fool's joke, right?
  8. Better one: Zeni keeps a Ziploc bag, filled with the severed nipples of his victims, in his mother's freezer. When asked what it is, Zeni calmly replies, "Pepperonis." True or False?
  9. Been out drinking with Zeni, I see. Did you pop his butt cherry?
  10. I do, sometimes, seriously wonder what in the blue hell is wrong with you. Then I realise, some things are better left unknown.
  11. Dammit, I thought fuggs' pics are supposed to be behind spoiler tags!!! 😣💩 I kid, I kid. 😝
  12. Yeah, G for Gonad.
  13. Happy Easter!
  14. I thought she eloped with Zeni's stuffed tiger...
  15. Zeni the Creeper
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