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Houdini Splicer

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Everything posted by Houdini Splicer

  1. Is there a coherent thought amongst all that jibber jabber? Because I don't know what in the blue hell you are talking about.
  2. Yep, just like Hotel California...
  3. These "bouncers" of yours... Would they be the same guys from your basketball video? The ones you paid off so you would look good? Or, are they just some random guys from the short bus you ride? Let me guess. You bought them off with a half-eaten Kit-Kat bar you found on the bus floor, didn't you? Didn't even pick the grit or hair out first. You are one sorry son-of-a-bitch, Zeni. 😆
  4. Because you didn't clarify. We're not mind readers. So, who's the dense one now?
  5. Poor bastard actually believes these things really happen. He was dropped on his head as a child. A LOT.
  6. Oh, I was careful, alright. I made sure everything was spelled correctly, and that the proper punctuation was used. Thanks for your concern, though.
  7. Yes, this thread is stupid. What a surprise.
  8. I'll cross my fingers in the sign of the cross.
  9. It is inevitable. Only a matter of time.
  10. But none ever have. Or will. That's what you always cry about in your threads, anyway.
  11. New Jersey
  12. Nah. Go back to the Cookie Crook. Fuck that dog and wolf.
  13. Zenigundam- living proof that the 'pull out' method of birth control doesn't work
  14. All that cheap pisswater is finally rotting your brain. Way to go, dingus.
  15. Sure they are. Don't you remember back when you were... Oh. No. No, I guess you wouldn't. Well, hell. You never have made out with anyone... And Rebecca doesn't count.
  16. Nah, they're making out with their teen boyfriends, while you sit at home and rub another one out into your crusty cum sock.
  17. This happened to you back in the day. Hahahahaha!! Did you piss your pants, too? It's ok. We already know you did.
  18. Can't stop the plop.
  19. Hey, now. What did Rerun ever do to you to deserve such shame?
  20. I see she's ready for the Star Trek convention...
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