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Houdini Splicer

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Everything posted by Houdini Splicer

  1. The winner gets to take Zeni's virginity. With a barrel cactus. Ribbed, for his pleasure.
  2. Well, Zeni's here, so you could ask him. What am I saying? He'd never tell the truth.
  3. It's only a matter of time.
  4. RIP, Charlie Murphy
  5. RIP PS - Shut up, Zeni.
  6. Fuck clowns.
  7. Vermin is vermin, no matter the size. But look at that big rat eating the face of the smaller one.
  8. You wouldn't know anything about being an alpha male. You're too busy living the life of a bottom-shelf bitch.
  9. So was bubonic plague. Oh, wait... You can't forget squirrels. Tree rats are delicious.
  10. That was a lot of fun to watch. "I'm not done with you yet!!!" > After they loaded Roman into the van, I was hoping Braun would show back up and drive off with it. It was definitely shades of Attitude Era/ Ruthless Aggression Era. It made me feel all warm and nostalgic.
  11. Well, whatever he is, the boy definitely ain't right.
  12. Sir, you cannot regain something you never had in the first place.
  13. Yes, all in your little four-walled world.
  14. Either one of these would be a vast improvement.
  15. Is this the part where we're supposed to say "don't let the door hit you in the ass on the way out"? If so... yeah, don't do that. You don't have any drawers or pants on, and you have shit smeared all over your ass from doing a crappy job of wiping. Plus, the door's white, so that'll only make it worse. Oh, and the shit smear may also be a metaphor for your attitude. I don't know, I'm no genius, but it seems appropriate. Wait, who are we talking about again? -_'
  16. Hmm. I happen to find it very enjoyable. Of course, the ladies do, too. But, if you don't enjoy doing it, you don't, and that's fine. Now, on the subject of eatin' da booty, I mean, since I'm already down there... why not, know what I'm sayin'? Nom-nom-nom
  17. I need to go back and rewatch his work. And the others, too, actually. It's been way too long. Zeni - That's what the girls you chase say about you. You're old as balls, and they would never go with someone in their late 20's. *insert 'Price Is Right' fail horn*
  18. You could put on a wig and go sell your ass on the street corner.
  19. Metropolis is awesome. I'm also a big fan of Harold Lloyd and, of course, Charlie Chaplin. There are others, but I can't name them off of the top of my head right now.
  20. You've gone full retarded. I didn't know when, but I knew it was coming. Looks like today's the day. Congratulations.
  21. Yes, I did. Saw it on the local news. The guy with the AR-15 told them to leave. The robbers saw he was armed. One of them pulled a knife and came toward him. whut So, he defended himself. Two of them died in the house. One made it outside to the driveway, where he collapsed and died. I don't know what the hell the guy with the knife was thinking, if he was thinking at all. People are getting tired of their homes being broken into, and there are only going to be more and more instances like this happening.
  22. Yeah, Zeni, we know. That doesn't mean we want you to tell us, though.
  23. Yeah, there are quite a few people I wouldn't trust with even a cap gun. I have a few guns around, but they don't get much use, except target practice and scaring off animals that mess with my dog and cats. Oh, and thieves. Can't forget those scalliwags.
  24. You could get a pistol... and just not tell anyone.
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