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Houdini Splicer

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Everything posted by Houdini Splicer

  1. It's Zeni. I wouldn't be surprised if he did. Disgusted, but not surprised.
  2. I don't have a cam or a mic. Plus, I'm not one of the cool kids. I'm a grumpy old man. You know, get off my lawn and all that jazz.
  3. I'd say yes. But, I'd still give you hell. That's what friends do. edit - Oh, and just to be perfectly clear, every time you started acting creepy, talking about younger girls and whatnot, I'd have to administer some sort of behaviour modification. Something like this: Would've nipped that shit in the bud.
  4. Well, it's a crowded restaurant, and people were starting to stare, so...
  5. Nasty, sick fucker.
  6. See how much simpler and more believeable this post would have been if you just told the truth from the beginning? You're not fooling anyone, BSB*. * - bottom shelf bitch
  7. You got excited for a minute there and thought I was talking about Ted Bundy, didn't you? Damn weirdo.
  8. Bud Bundy. But at least Bud Bundy got laid at some point.
  9. I used to take trazodone, but that didn't do squat. I still have over a half bottle sitting around somewhere. Right now I don't take anything for sleep, though most of what I do take has drowsiness as a side effect. My body got used to it, so I just fall asleep whenever I can. My screwed-up back "helps" with that, too. Everything I currently take I can't do without, at least until I lose some more weight. I've already lost 40lbs since December, but I still have a ways to go. Getting there, slowly, but surely. I wish I did have some recommendations for you, but sadly, I don't. I hope you find something soon that'll work for you.
  10. He won an Olympic gold medal with a broken freakin' neck! What have you done? Disappointed your mother? Check. Sexual predator? Check. Petty thief? Check. Never scored? Check. Oh, it's true. It's damn true! :fap:
  11. There seems to be vital information missing here.
  12. Delmonico... *drools*
  13. Ah, I see. Well, I will. Eventually. So, what rank do I need to achieve to view this thread graveyard?
  14. Where's it at? I can't seem to find that folder. Or, is that the whole point? Hmm...
  15. What do the sunsets look like in your private world? I bet they're hella amazing.
  16. That's not true. You also take stupid pills. Twelve is a lot, but I take fifteen a day (sixteen on Saturday). If you can work it so you can take less, go for it.
  17. I just happened to scroll down as the song was playing, and... whut I couldn't stop looking at it. Also, I haven't heard that song in many, many years. It punched me right in the ol' nostalgia feels. Kudos.
  18. Listen to the song while looking at the gif. You're welcome.
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