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Everything posted by NeurocideVibekillah

  1. 17 out of 24 if each card = 4.8 still not too bad, not too good either but hey.
  2. I sense there's a little bit of a bias here. I doubt my joke was that bad. It's like you hate me for the sake of it.
  3. Who gives a fuck about Viper anyway?
  4. I'm not from East PA and and don't have to gloat or overcompensate for anything so...NO..FUCK NO.
  5. Topical humor. I wasn't expecting much, but 3 1/2 out of 5 isn't bad.
  6. Your entire being is an asshole though.
  7. Doc Brown steals plutonium from it to power his time machine.
  8. Great night, unexpected ending with bad hangover
  9. Don't be such a Richard.
  10. Last time I drank tequila I blacked out and pissed on my living room floor. True Story.
  11. Frogs don't have dicks.
  12. No wonder he's gay.
  13. Because I needed to be proven correct about He-Man.
  14. I don't wanna know about your 80s dildos
  16. BTW fuck this thread and everything it stands for.
  17. It was a misunderstanding ON YOUR PART! And I think it was a bitch move on your part also to more or 'call me out' on being a puppet when I was doing no such thing, if you still think that was ok for you to do that without thoughtful consideration then fuck you! I was having fun until you turned it into something that it wasn't. I go on to FFA so I don't have to deal with stupid bullshit like this, but low and behold there you are - thinking you are saying something prolific when really you are being insufferably pretentious. I fucking despise people like that, especially when they talk about giving others the benefit of the doubt when they didn't bother to do that in the first place! You can try to avoid THAT with all your mental gymnastics like all the other faceless egotists I have seen do the same thing on both these boards and the last, but the fact of the matter is this quarrel could've easily been avoided if you weren't so quick to make a character assessment on someone you don't even fucking know! (and before you say it I have a lot more to go off of with my assessment than you initially did with me). I'll say it again for good measure, because I know others will be quick to ride your dick despite anything I have to say, I wasn't doing anything more than having fun and wasn't trying to be malicious you neurotic asshole! So you can take your fake civility crap and shove it right back up your ass if you can't muster up to energy to own up to your actions for what they are. I would've easily been fine with what you said if you didn't have to call me a fucking puppet! #Inb4youreportme.
  18. And I don't have a reason to think you're being condescending with a remark like this? Yeah, nice try there buddy.
  19. I was making a joke. Obviously you must have a stick up your ass if my pop culture reference bothers you that much on a message board known for back handed comments, never mind the fact that you weren't clear on your context initially. But yes go ahead tell me how much of an asshole I am because it just sounded like you were being condescending for the sake of it.
  20. I ask you some questions about what the hell you were talking about and you call me a puppet? That's truly some logical emotional intelligence there buddy. lol
  21. So you're disagreeing with me? What's your point? I didn't mention anything about time, do I look like Doc Brown to you? lol
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