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Gina Szanboti

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Everything posted by Gina Szanboti

  1. These inspire me. To do what, I don't know, but I'm inspired.
  2. I don't think that word means what you think it means. oO
  3. I don't even remember it having any. Maybe the dragons transforming? Otherwise...? It's not like Berserk or Hand Shakers ugly. oO It's a cute story with a charming MC.
  4. Just watch the show. Give it 4 episodes to really gel. Once you get used to the hilarious animation, you can forget about that and just luv on the characters. I liked it from the first episode, but tastes vary, which is why I say give it 4. That seemed to be the episode that turned the hold-outs, iirc.
  5. I've seen it, it's great. Watch it!
  6. Crunchy has been producing and co-producing anime for awhile now (e.g., Kiznaiver, Citrus, Kemono Friends, Island, Luluco), but not anything as Western as this. So yeah, I suspect it has something to do with it, but I have no factual basis for it. I'm sure both the prep for this series and the AT&T deal have been in the works for some time now though, so it could be a coincidence that one was announced on the heels of the other, or it could be that the final green-lighting of the series was dependent on the deal going through. We'll probably never know for sure.
  7. Crunchy wouldn't, but now that they've sold their soul to AT&T, who knows what will be demanded of them? There should be advantages to having access to all that extra corporate money and ad connections and infrastructure, but it seems like whenever the corporate gorillas notice anime, they think they know anime fans and fuck things up ("How do you do, fellow anime kids!"). If they crash and burn Crunchy's business with their ignorant meddling, what do they care? They'll just take the tax write off and go plunder another business, and if the fail somehow got messy enough to ax the CEO over, he'll just golden parachute over to another corporation at a higher salary.
  8. Wow, they all sure sound enthusiastic, eh? Like someone laced their lattes with ludes. I hope they don't follow the Adult Swim model where if they make their own programming and it's moderately successful, they decide that's more profitable than licensing anime and kick it to the curb. I wouldn't expect Crunchy to do that, but now that AT&T has shoved their bloody fist up Crunchy's ass, corporate puppets will puppet. I mean who knows better how to micromanage a subsidiary than a CEO packing his golden parachute? Does it sound like I'm not too sanguine about this whole mess?
  9. Dammit, I didn't realize they moved MHA up to 10pm. Oh well, I've already seen the episode, just haven't heard the dub for it.
  10. Kubo Mitsurou (co-creator of YoI) posted this in remembrance. What a beautiful portrait. T.T (what, are we not allowed to cry around here? Not one emoticon for tears. )
  11. I feel kinda ghoulish saying this, but this tweet and the comments are kinda eerie now. "Otabek was robbed!"
  12. I just read today that Denis Ten, who was the inspiration for Otabek Altin in Yuuri on Ice, was stabbed to death in Almaty, Khazakstan today (yesterday? I don't know from time zones). Really senseless death. He got into a confrontation with someone stealing the mirrors on his car and they stabbed him and left him for dead. By the time anyone found him, he'd lost too much blood. https://edition.cnn.com/2018/07/19/sport/denis-ten-olympic-figure-skater-stabbed-to-death-spt-intl/index.html RIP Denis.
  13. 2nd episode was as good as the first. But I almost choked when they suggested that Japan (the country, not just Eiji) is too innocent to have child porn...
  14. Why can't I get any decent tuna? Starkist, Chicken of the Sea, Bumblebee, they all look like cat food, even the "solid" albacore. Polar was great, though a bit more expensive, but within 3 months of my discovering it, my grocery discontinued it. I soldiered on with Bumblebee crap for a long time until I discovered Geisha (again a bit more $$), and even better, could order a case online from them and have it brought to my door instead of lugging home cans in my bag lady cart, and it was less expensive without the grocery markup. Win-win! I went to order another case a couple days ago (the last one was about 18 months ago), only to discover that for some arcane reason, they no longer ship to CA, AK or HI. I can see AK and HI, since they get screwed over on shipping all the time, being out in the boonies, but for pete's sake, CA is where the company was founded! It doesn't cost them more to ship here than to OR or AZ or NV. What the fuck?! I was pissed off enough to write and ask them, and they gave me the "due to company policy" line and told me I could go buy it at the grocery, but none that are close to me carry it, and their track records of special ordering crap is crappy. On the bright side, or at least the less dim side, I found out I can also order Polar online, but the same amount of tuna will cost me $40 more than Geisha would've. I think Polar is better, but not $40 better and it's just frustrating that they cut me off. I'm betting it has something to do with Prop 65 labeling, and they don't want to sort it out at the shipping center. It still sucks. I'm just tired of everything I like getting discontinued. I guess it's the universe's way of telling me I'm next.
  15. I liked Sero's room the best, at least as one I could live in.
  16. That wasn't a wedding. Hiro and Giant Zero Two was a wedding! Complete with bridal veil, attendants down the aisle to the portal and a bouquet! Good thing she didn't get carried away and toss it back to the bridesmaids...
  17. Maybe when she still had a personality, but then once she realized Hiro was her man, she got all domesticated and "whatever you want, dear," and turned into the 13s' house mother. She had a faint ember of her old self briefly flare up when she was trying to get to him, but then she got to him and went catatonic. Plus, "Yeah, sure you tortured me throughout my childhood and lied to me and shit, but hey, no biggie, all's forgiven, thanks for making me for Hiro. Well, I'm off to sacrifice myself for him, seeya round!"
  18. I'm just glad All Might got to retire. I've been fearing he'd be KIA ever since he revealed just how much he was living on borrowed time. Fantastic epic episode.
  19. APE Honcho: You, Clone Forty Four! I have an assignment for you! C44: Sir? AH: We've finished digging out the shaft to our secret weapon, and after a top level cabinet meeting have made a decision. You're to go immediately to the bottom of the shaft. C44: Yes sir! What should I do there, sir? AH: Find a ladder and paint "The bottom" on the wall. C44: Sir? AH: And make it pink. ::grumbles:: I wanted neon green, but I was outvoted. ... C44: ::finishes carrying out orders:: Hmm. I may not make it out of this alive. But I want someone to know I was here. ::goes to a corner and signs his work::
  20. This thread sounds like a bunch of people who ran out of cigarettes after all the liquor stores closed. (j/k, I know how frustrating it is when a favorite site goes offline for days and you're not getting any feedback or updates)
  21. I don't know what's wrong with you people. Best Jeanist is best hero name ever. That is all. Why does Mochi's font get bigger with every post? oO
  22. Heh, I thought you were talking about Wulin Warriors. Now that was an awesome series. Not as awesome as Thunderbolt Fantasy though.
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