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Everything posted by Gina Szanboti
Even when I accept all the hundreds of cookies every site plants on my computer, my "experience on the web" doesn't work normally because my software and computer are out of date, so yeah, that's not a convincing argument. Anyway, nvm, I figured it out.
I don't see why downloading it would make you feel guilty in this case. If you already have Netflix, waiting for them to put it up doesn't give any more money to the creators or take any away from them, whether you watch it on Netflix or not. You've already paid what you're asked to pay either way. I don't feel any guiltier than not watching anime on ihateyouamazon.com, since I want to take money from any productions that sell out to their stupid double paywall system. Maybe someone on one side of the ocean or the other will get the message that hooking up with ihateyouamazon.com is not in their best interests.
I don't wanna. Whether you think it's silly isn't the question.
I feel your pain (see previous post). Fortunately, I'm satisfied with the Utena dvds I have. My gods, my Pile of Shame is getting ridiculously huge. I have over 30 buys that are still in the shrink-wrap. smh. I guess just having them is like comfort food or a security blanket, even if I haven't had time to watch them. No one can take them away from me.
Could you reveal which urls I need to enter into my exceptions list for cookies for this site? It didn't used to be an issue, but since I guess you moved in the last few days (? I haven't been here much), Firefox no longer recognized this to plug in the password, and I forgot it so I had to reset it. Then it took me a dozen tries to not get error codes. Well, I never stopped getting them, but it logged me in anyway. But now I have to globally accept cookies, which I don't like to do because I forget to stop accepting everything when I leave. If I could just enter the urls that need me to accept them here, that'd be peachy. I had to figure it out by trial and error on the old boards because advertisers, but that's not an issue here, right?
So do you have to play that on your computer or do you have a region free player or what? Gods, it looks gorgeous. Does Viz really think they couldn't have sold a ton of sets like that if they'd put it out that way, instead of the space-hogging, piecemeal format they chose? :sigh: So I went ahead and splurged for the Magi boxes AND Blue Exorcist. ::shakes fist at AoA:: They should arrive in a week or so. Also finally picked up the first season of Free! BD. Already had the second season. And they showed up today! The packaging is a tad flimsy, but not as bad as I'd feared. Weirdly, they come in slightly oversized polyethelene bags taped closed rather than shrink-wrap. Not that that matters, I've just never seen that before.
K-On the Slope: Return of Swing In '60s Japan, 4 young girls become friends while working together to form a jazz band, despite each living in different parts of the city, ruled by 4 different color factions which are vying for dominance. Can these bearcat babes break it down for the squares and bring peace to the city with their crazy beats? Or will civil war erupt before the big Dance Off can crown the King of Swing? (K: Return of Kings, K-On, Kids on the Slope)
Koe no Katachi (A Silent Voice) the Movie
Gina Szanboti replied to Satou Kazuma's topic in Anime & Manga
It was really good, great Kyoto Animation of course (although there's one shot of Yuzuru where it looks like her eye is going to pop right out of her head. Dunno what happened there. ), good acting, and I found Ishida's character design surprisingly appealing, though I didn't much like it in the manga. I will say it was a bit confusing in places though, and I've read the manga for once. I think the teacher got off the hook somewhat compared to what an utter asshole he was in the manga, and Sahara didn't come off quite as much of a manipulative bitch either - they kind shoved most of that onto Ueno. But yeah, good stuff. I might go see it in a theater if it shows anywhere near me. -
He looks with his special eye. (Just the one. Apparently it's somehow more special than his mom's.)
Old Sesshomaru showed up in a really weird place...
Gina Szanboti replied to OwlChemist81's topic in Anime & Manga
He seems to be having fun with it. Looks like he has his own studio at home. If you're interested, you can find more videos on his website davidkaye.com (why won't this let me insert hyperlinks in text without overriding the text anymore?) -
I like your sig. http://www.webtoons.com/en/comedy/behind-the-gifs/dining-out-kat-swenski/viewer?title_no=658&episode_no=111
Well, the $300 MSRP was in their official release and they haven't retracted it, so I don't think it's a typo, just an infomercial-type "you could pay $500 for this at other stores, but we're selling it for $19.95!" pitch. I think Durarara is just them admitting nobody's going to pay their usual prices for the last season anymore. Yes, it's barebones, but I don't know about the packaging. Nothing fancy, but I'd hope it's at least a chipboard box and not a paper thin sleeve. With AoA, even if they throw in extras (other than books, which I never get around to reading), they don't subtitle the Japanese content, which kinda makes it pointless to even include for most people. I guess my biggest worry is all the complaints I've heard about their disks frequently being defective and what a headache it is to get them to fix it. I've got stuff in my Pile of Shame from a year ago, so I don't know how quickly I'd get on it to check them.
It's version number 6 (#5 is standing on your head with your feet propped on the walls).
So what the heck happened between episode 2 and 3? At the end of 2, she was being kabedoned against the lockers by tall, dark and dangerous, and apparently about to be outed, and then in 3 they just dropped it completely. I even went back to see if I'd missed an end tag or an opening teaser or something.
Just picked up Noragami Aragoto LE BD box. Paid more than I'd have liked, but I was afraid it might sell out before Christmas, which is where I got the first season LE box for like 35 bucks a year and a half ago, and I need them to match. Now my dilemma is whether I want to pay Aniplex, who I keep hoping will just go out of business here, for the two Magi boxes. $119 each, but they list for $300 each. I know that, normally, list is meaningless, and saying "60% off!" is a marketing gimmick since list is whatever they say it is, but that $300 is actually in line with their normal pricing, and $119 for 25 episodes isn't that unreasonable compared to other distributors' prices. Things seem to be running around $40-$45 for 11-13 episodes, so this is only about 25% more expensive, which is pretty good for Aniplex. I don't think Blue Exorcist ever dropped much under $300 for 26 episodes, and it looks like they sold out anyway, and then there's Fate Zero and Garden of Sinners which you have to sell your firstborn to afford, if you can find them (the sets, not your firstborn). Even now they're asking $90 for 6 episodes (plus a booklet) of Erased. So...am I a sucker if I get these or is this sort of a bargain because Aniplex?
That's what scythes are for, so you don't have to bend over while you're doing that. since it wants to wipe out the text with the video instead of just linking to it. I rake my porch. Leaves get stuck in the broom. You have to sweep with a broom after though.
And one Faygo Red Pop to rule them all!!
X-ray audio, aka, Bone Music. Basically, it's banned music pressed onto used x-ray film to get around cold war Soviet censorship. People would get x-rays hospitals were getting rid of (the government said they had to toss them after a year due to fire hazard) and inscribe the acetate film with grooves from contraband records, tuck a bunch of them up their sleeves, then go sell them on street corners. So you have this old-timey-sounding music (all kinds, from rock to Russian anthems), which always sounds eerily spooky to me anyway, hissing and popping away while some guy's bones revolve hypnotically around the spindle at 78 rpm. Combine with vodka and give birth to the madness of modern day Russia. Like life, music finds a way...
It's worse. :L Much worse for I've Got a Feeling, even though the Japanese got to use lyrics that made a lick of sense. (But either version, when Ryuusuke comes out on stage at Grateful Sound it's a shiver-up-the-spine moment)
I guess I don't see why it needs justifying. They weren't related, they didn't have a father-daughter relationship, they were both presumably consenting adults (unless she pulled a Lot's daughters scenario on him), they hadn't been living together for a decade and even when they were before that, Yakumo was basically just giving her food, clothes and a roof. He showed her almost no affection, nor she him, during her formative years. As far as I'm concerned, if no one is forced or brainwashed into it, what two adults decide to do is their business, and it's no more immoral than her hooking up with the yakuza boss, which no one seemed to have a problem with. I dunno, it just seems like a funny point for people to choke on considering everything else that's happened in this series. Miyokichi was a prostitute and a mistress (meaning screwing lots of men, some of whom were married), Sukeroku slept around all over town when he had the money, Kikuhiko apparently gave in to Miyo a few times, but few enough that she could still ask, "Does he even like women?" Then there's all the yakuza stuff, who aren't exactly occupying the moral high ground here, and de facto child abandonment by both parents. But Konatsu consensually getting pregnant when she's around 30, by an unrelated man she does not view as a father-figure, is the unforgivable sin here? People baffle me.
Just checking in to see if everyone went as batshit over Shin's parentage as other places. Myself, I like it, for a bunch of reasons. I like that he's got Kikohiko, Sukeroku and Miyokichi's genes all mixed up together in there. I like that Konatsu knew what she wanted and it worked out for her exactly as planned. She ended up with a career in rakugo, a husband she loves, two cool kids, and a community of friends and admirers. Nothing bad there. No one was harmed in the making of Shinnosuke. If it helps at all, consider this: Konatsu never saw Yakumo as her father. To her he was the man responsible for the death of her father (and mother). Since feeling familial affection toward him would have felt like a betrayal of her actual father, I think she sublimated it into an adolescent crush on him instead (which is kinda backwards from the usual defense mechanism of turning socially unacceptable desires into acceptable ones - but Konatsu is honey badger, she don't care about society. All that matters is what's acceptable to her). Nevertheless, she was pushing 30 before she managed to honey badger Yakumo into giving her what she wanted, so I'm kind of at a loss that some people see him as some sort of child molester or something. By that time though, I don't think she still had a crush on him, she just wanted his baby to give him a reason to keep doing rakugo and someone to pass it along to so it wouldn't die with him. I imagine there was a lot of arm twisting and Miyokichi guilt-tripping required to wear him down, but in the end he probably just agreed so she'd shut up about it. Anyway, I like the poetry of it. And show biz people are weird - namsayin? Great ending to a great series. My only disappointment was not hearing Konatsu's rakugo.
Reading through the bill it became evident that it was not as it seemed - and yet it was not as easy to tell as you'd think, given Poe's Law and all. My first question was what the fuck are "fully-abstinent sexual relations"? I was also amused at how colonoscopies were thrown into the mix, since that totally seems like something the moral guardians would consider sexual. I only started getting suspicious at "The booklet must contain artistic illustrations of each procedure." But when I got to "An attending physician must administer a medically-unnecessary digital rectal exam and magnetic resonance imagining of the rectum before administering an elective vasectomy or colonoscopy procedure, or prescribing Viagra," everything became clear.
Gashed my thumb open down to the bone...
Gina Szanboti replied to Rogue_Alphonse's topic in Free-For-All
I cut my thumb on contaminated broken glass at work and even though I had a bunch of gauze to put on it, it just kept bleeding through, so I finally went the the clinic to get stitches (on worker's comp's dime). So they shot it up with lidocaine, then walked me over to a sink, handed me a little scrub brush with betadine all over it and told me to scrub it out until they got back. whut I was like, wait, isn't that your job? Anyway, got 4 stitches, a huge-ass cartoon thumb bandage, and it was all good. It didn't even leave a scar, which surprised me, but my thumb still feels weird where the nerves were cut. The thing that actually surprised me most was that the doctor was totally against having any bandage on it after the first couple of days. He was all about open-air, and given the outcome, he seems to be right. It makes me wonder about those "cuts with Bandaids heal 2-3 days sooner than cuts without" ads. Seems to be the opposite, so how come the FDA isn't all up in their face about it? -
rants Haters/Complainers: Legacy of Spleen
Gina Szanboti replied to mthor's topic in General Discussion
I feel ya. The 80 year old cedar tree in front of my house kinda fell on the front of my house during the Feb storm (CA - all that rain, + 60 mph winds = not enough roots in the world). I cried the whole time they were cutting it down. I couldn't even save the lumber because I don't know who does urban sawmill stuff around here. My insurance paid for the damage, but of course not for replacing the tree (or the increased electric bills), which was my only shade (and my de facto a/c) during the summer. Without it, I'm not sure my living room will be livable this summer. Plus I miss it. No privacy. I feel naked now. :'( I hate that I hate the wind now. I used to revel in windy days as a kid. As an adult, all I can think of when the winds kick up is all the damage they'll do.