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Everything posted by SwimOdin

  1. Wherein I contemplate wearing a mask full time again, but not fully caring about, or feeling empathy for, the unvaccinated, and not wanting to trim my ever-expanding beard, yet still being concerned about children who aren’t able to be vaccinated.
  2. Noy jitat
  3. This is a fantastic question and makes me think of Chuck Klosterman. It also makes me think of a book by Orson Scott Card called The Worthing Saga, wherein a drug that’s used for space travel that puts you in stasis becomes the status symbol of the super elite, skipping across years. I feel like the popular response is “any time I’m at my day job”, but then I think of how little you might actually be “living” if you did this, and it seems scary. Then it also makes me think of impending mortality and it freaks me out. So no, it sounds great at first, but it also sounds like a life-destroying drug. edit: syntax
  4. We have nuggets at home.
  5. When Spider-Man was running through those backyards in Homecoming, did that seem like NYC?
  6. Also, I have no idea how I got the preorder to go through. I did it on my 10 year old PC, somehow.
  7. I'm literally a grandfather.
  8. I live in Atlanta, where literally every Marvel movie is filmed, so…yeah.
  9. I’m getting it in 2022, mr 2000late
  10. In the parlance of our time, “get fukt” My steam deck is coming this year
  11. SwimOdin

    Steam Deck

    Whatcha think? Did you reserve one? I got one 7 minutes into the preorder, very lucky.
  12. Being married kicks ass
  13. SwimOdin


    Anyone put it on a plate and set the microwave to about 45 seconds? Heaven in the middle of the night
  14. Literally in a theater seeing this movie.
  15. You’ll get a scholarship, parlay that into a military career, Purple Heart, table tennis fame, into endorsements, friend will purchase cheap apple stock, get AIDs (maybe?) have a kid, be a widower. So there’s that.
  16. It’s right here, son. We’re threading right here.
  17. Any of you have corner lots? I have a corner lot. I have one of the bigger yards in my subdivision, which makes no sense, since I’m a ginger. I digress, cutting a corner lot sucks, because you have a “side yard” you do ABSOLUTELY NOTHING with, but you still have to cut it.
  18. The front yard I try to do it differently every time, because I get bored doing it the same way. The backyard is always spiral. I got a Ryobi battery powered mower a couple months ago, I fucking love it. I will never have a gas mower again. Fucking carburetors.
  19. Full no Johnson
  20. Never been in a laundry room with any of my cousins. Have you ever gone into the wrong gender bathroom in a blind panic after having sharted at work?
  21. Limited series are my favorite thing to watch. Concise stories that know where they’re going and how they’re ending. What are some that you guys like? I can’t recommend these ones enough, they’re so good: Maniac (Netflix) True Detective (HBO) Watchmen (HBO) Devs (Hulu) The Queen’s Gambit (Netflix) Sharp Objects (HBO) Chernobyl (HBO)
  22. Hi drunk, I’m Dad
  23. I thought I wanted them legal, but life was better when they were illegal in this state. Now, every time it’s a holiday, it’s like Curtis LeMay visiting Japan (meaning: BOOM)
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