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Everything posted by SwimOdin

  1. I am unfortunately very familiar with her. My wife will watch anything about her and that Natalie girl.
  2. Baker was honestly great in that game. I want him out of my division.
  3. Belichick has interviewed with the Falcons and I don’t know how to feel about that!?
  4. These refs might need to be smuggled out tonight
  5. I can’t believe I’m still watching this game.
  6. Does McCarthy get fired after this game? And what kind of crazy horseshit does Aaron Rodgers say tomorrow to get some attention away from Jordan Love?
  7. My wife is going into full blown depression over this game. The Cowboys are getting wildly destroyed.
  8. SwimOdin

    Steam Sale

    https://www.humblebundle.com/games/awesome-games-done-quick-2024?hmb_source=humble_home&hmb_medium=product_tile&hmb_campaign=mosaic_section_3_layout_index_2_layout_type_threes_tile_index_1_c_awesomegamesdonequick2024_bundle Humble Bundle for AGDQ, 7 quality games for $10.
  9. SwimOdin

    Pokémon Go

    692573390734 Huzzah
  10. CJ Stroud is pretty unbelievable. I did not see this game going this way.
  11. Do the refs even know the rules of football!?!?!?!?
  12. Android 16 was my favorite from DBZA
  13. I think every thread title should be from a third person POV. Also, yeah, I can’t believe the Steelers made it. Y’all would be immolated by the Ravens if you were lucky enough to beat the Bills.
  14. I might be aware of certain places where one could allegedly stream certain programs. PM me if you wish. I’m not going to claim you might not get a virus from said place, and pop-ups are plenty, but it’s an option.
  15. Death Stranding: But on Steam Deck This Time
  16. I’m weird (in that I have Peacock) so I will be watching live, from my couch while the players freeze.
  17. It’s kind of a dream come true storyline wise.
  18. They have adult ads? Is there an option to filter it or it’s just tits on the timeline?
  19. SwimOdin

    Pokémon Go

    How do I find that?
  20. So in a few millennia I’ll have beachfront property? Nice.
  21. Also, it’s getting difficult to find a screen playing it here now, so if you’re on the fence, you only have a few days.
  22. I found it weird that it didn’t demonize him more. It feels like he got off easy, but he also seemed like a complete sociopath.
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