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Everything posted by SwimOdin

  1. I swear I didn’t even know you could do that. This is my old moment.
  2. That too. She’s 15 so she can’t jump to the sink very well, so now it’s the bathtub…
  3. Do you have one that’s not absolute shit that blasts ads directly into your asshole? Please tell me there’s an ok free one somewhere.
  4. Abby has to be in the bathroom with me, she will run her paws incessantly on the door until I let her in.
  5. Didn’t like Quarterback on Netflix?
  6. He’s 35 and coming off an Achilles injury, so yeah, I’m concerned. However, he’s a proven starter and we’ve got a lot of talented players. The quarterback was the missing piece that remained. So I’m very optimistic. I would’ve been happy with Fields too, but he’s more of a higher ceiling/lower floor. Kirk is consistent and a good decision maker.
  7. I feel so tired today. I know it’s just one hour, but it messes me up every time.
  8. That would’ve been nice. I’m vaxxed and boosted but I was sick for 8 days. Not having a properly working immune system will do that, I guess.
  9. The argument against permanent DST is that parts of the northern continental US, especially at the edges of the time zone, wouldn’t have sunrise until 8 even close to 9 in the morning, which would probably suck. Being in the south, I say? Fuck ‘em.
  10. That is not what I want to hear
  11. Local man replies “ok” in response to neighbors, spurring contentious dialogue on proper etiquette
  12. And the people that talk on the phone when pooping, what the fuck? I would be so mad to find out the person I’m talking to currently has feces leaving their body. It’s gross and disrespectful. I’m Victorian.
  13. So I’m getting over Covid (really thought I was immune, since I’d made it this far, but I digress), and I can barely taste or smell anything, still. Those of you that’ve had the virus, how long did it take for your senses to come back? Are they still diminished? This is driving me crazy.
  14. Zaslav trying to be the most hated man in entertainment
  15. She’s one of the most embarrassing things about my state, and that’s saying something.
  16. Man, this cuts fucking deep. My love for Chrono Trigger definitely owes a lot to his designs, and I’ve been a lifelong Dragon Ball fan, so this hurts.
  18. This shit is so fucking just, defeating. These judges have no one to answer to and can shape anything to their will. The overreach is unbelievable! And what can be done? They’re the highest court, who do you appeal to? They can slow roll a case if need be for political ends, and the fucking overreach, it’s, I can’t, I’m so tired.
  19. Interesting! I’ve heard of none of these.
  20. I’m seeing it in imax at some point this week, very excited
  21. Last leap day my wife and I went to a cat show. This year, I have covid. One of the few times I’ll say 2020 was better.
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