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André Toulon

Abyss Watcher
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Everything posted by André Toulon

  1. Because it's Tuesday and apparently my insomnia and anxiety are scheduled to visit every Tuesday.
  2. That's how it was for me when I got my toe removed......The sleepy juice guy was like "what kinda music would you like us to put on" and I was like "anything from the Nintendo, SNES era" and that was the last thing I remember until I woke up. And while I could have been replaced by someone else, I was hoping to wake up in a Luke Cage vat and be all strong and bulletproof and shit. I wonder while I was out did they do anything to my junk
  3. He's in the hospital, and needs your support......He told me to have our frands send him good vibes. The funniest part.....IT'S AN ASS PROBLEM. Fusilli Jerry comes to mind.
  4. You need to put a team together and battle......That will reignite that flame. Since it looks like I won't be sleeping anytime soon, I'm gonna go try to beat this Battle tree again.......Blue is a fucking cheat.
  5. Well there are several options to alleviate that......You can put up to 18 in the palego and they'll level up on their own.......You can also put a bunch or rare kitches in your festival and level up 7 levels at a time once your festival gets ranked high enough. Me, I do like the grind.....I hate passive leveling....I'm far more proud of my team when I've spent countless hours killing Gumshoos and Pelipers
  6. No one cares except me and maybe Nabraniel Narkew, and Panda but the Pokemon Sun/Moon community has yet to complete one of these. I have participated in both. This guy gives a few scenarios for why it's not going well, but I assume people are doing what I'm doing........Joining the mission and just plain not contributuing in hopes of just getting the free payoff. The last mission was catch Island Scan Pokemon, so I do that anyway, but there was no way I was going to go out of my way to contribute to 1 million . http://www.forbes.com/sites/insertcoin/2017/01/11/pokemon-sun-and-moon-players-cant-stop-failing-the-games-global-missions/#1d527abb1b24
  7. Rainy and kinda muggy.......It would be excellent sleeping weather if I wasn't a fucking insomniac.
  8. Fapping is a means to an end....Never understood why some people make a production out of it......Are you trying to impress the porn?....I'm not trying to win any contest.......Give me 30 seconds and I'll give you protein.
  9. LOL, GSN is on his period.
  10. Well that nap didn't pan out.....I've been lying here tossing and turning for 3 hours......I think I REM'd for 20-30 minutes. I hate Tuesdays
  11. Women, they usually are already working on replacements. It's ok though because they are always the ones that come back......Men come back, but usually just for pussy.
  12. Remember when you ragequit because of Zeni? I don't take advice from children.
  13. You're weak, you're just also poor so can't afford drugs and alcohol. I assume baby daddy sobered up and stopped texting.
  14. My time is passed.....I can't afford to let this nap get away........I pass the torch to you.......Troll hard, troll true......See y'all at like midnight
  15. Fuck these haters Zeni.....I've seen dem hands, and I know what can happen if you connect. I saw you on the heavy bag.....No one wants that.
  16. I'm about to take one after I make a fried baloney sammich..... I was supposed to be a prize fighter, or a doctor, or a ninja or some shit right now, but instead I go to sleep a 7pm....WTF is this.
  17. You know what....I'm not going to do it because you want me to do it......I don't even care. And no
  18. She's not cute....Like not even a little.
  19. Like, they aren't the biggest I've seen, but they are the most hilarious....Like they look like they are in constant pain, and they're purple.
  20. Gave the Sprint store lady my phone because my data wasn't working and I had porn open in my broswer. I wasn't even beating off recently, it was open because I was showing someone the most redik tits I've ever seen.....Not good redik......Like hilarious redik. She was like OH, I DID NOT WANT TO SEE THAT and now I'm the guy who watches comedic porn. Sorry, I just needed to share.
  21. I have no idea what that's from.....It's bothering me because I'm sure I've seen them all.........And that's unrelated to me having children.....I'VE seen them all. It's bothing me and now I'm going to have to watch them all tonight to fix this.
  22. I only remember 4 movies and I've never seen that......I know Timon and Pumba hada show, so I was thinking maybe it was from that, but that seems a bit dark for a 22 minute show.
  23. LMFAO.......You NEED this place. Seriously, get yo life.
  24. Technically, Luuv couldn't code himself into 30 lives on Contra so he didn't really "do" anything.....but this was still his vision
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